The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

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Academy Timeline
Apr 24 2003 08:26pm

 - Student
Note: This is the same timeline from the Academy forum moved so it won't be lost in all the Academy threads. That is all. *KRRRRK*

Well I guess it's official... -DJ Sith- Jun 07 02:29pm
We got our very own news post on, so I guess we must be open for business now. I understand that we're getting boatloads of trainer applications now. Everyone that applied will get tested, rest assured.

IRC Channel Open -massadoobie- Jun 11 01:51pm -Yes that's true, we have our IRC channel open and ready to go. Just log onto enter the game ( and join #ja
I need to warn you in advance though... this channel is for controlled conversations about the game (techniques, classes, etc.) with the occasional off-topic conversation allowed. That means if you're gonna be a pest, flaming people or causing any sort of mayhem, you will get kicked first, then banned, no questions asked.
In other news, the Academy map is done, and we're working on a major announcement regarding servers. Don't you just hate when people hint at stuff but keep you waiting?

Jedi Academy Map Final Version Available -massadoobie- Jun 26 04:57pm
The final version of the map is available for download here ( ). It's about 1.5 megabytes, and is the absolute final version. So if you have any minor stuff you want or tweaks you wish (or even having Bespin on the other side of the broken doors , don't email me please. However if you have major problems with it, lemme know. The best thing you can do is delete the old jedi_academy.bsp from your gamedata/base folder (if you downloaded it), and install the new version after that.

Viruses are no fun -massadoobie- Jun 30 11:37am That's right, one (or a few) of you are sending me the Klez virus on a fairly regular basis. And since Klez is a sneaky bastard and changes the email it's from to disguise the host, I can't let you know you're infected individually. So here's a word of warning. If you have anti-virus software, make sure it's working and up to date. And if you don't, first of all why not? You never know when you might accidently open an infected file. So do yourself a favor and go here to make sure you don't have the virus, and then GET A FREAKING ANTI-VIRUS PROGRAM.

New Trainer... and new Lead Trainer!!! -massadoobie- Jul 20 09:37pm
I'd... like to congratulate the lovely and talented Silent Whisper on her promotion/appointment to Lead Trainer. Basically she'll be the official Trainer on trainer tryouts, as well as being the head of the trainers... So if trainers have any problems they're nervous about coming straight to me or DJ about, they can go through her. Congrats you sexy thang!

Rankings updated!!! -massadoobie- Sep 29 06:15pm -Hell has finally frozen over, and the Council has finally gotten around to updating the rankings. That's right, there's a whole slew of new ranks out there for you to look forward to. Interested? Click Here to read them. All students are initiates by default.

Now, before things get out of control, let me clarify something you might not understand from the FAQ... do not request trials (unless the description specifically says so). That is the worst way to get promoted. Promotions are meant for members we see who deserve it, not for people who ask the most. Please don't flood the JATs and JACs with trial requests. Also, the exact questions and trial proceedings haven't been finalized by the Council yet, so there won't be any promotions for a few days until we can get that stuff done.

L-rod dances off into the sunset... -massadoobie- Oct 29 02:45am -
I know this is a few days late but... yea. Here it is, straight from the Roddyman himself:

"Although this is probably my 1st comment on my own profile, it unfortunately will be my last.

I've been training here at the academy for a pretty long time, seen members all of types come and go. I've had a lot of fun here at the academy helping others, and it was definitely a blast.

But the time has come for me to pick up my saber and continue on with my own path in life. It probably would be better to head out on top anyway ,lol. I wish the academy the best of luck, and hope that it will continue to be as strong in the future.

Farewell to all, and to all one last dance:
*slaps on Essa Rios music
*dances "

Rod was one of our original trainers, and the oldest member of the Academy we had besides DJ and I. We wish him the best of luck in all the *dances that will come in the future.

*UPDATE* For those of you who have never actually heard the Essa Rios music... Here it is. ( )

Nov 01 04:19am- Bubu
"congrats on your magnificent achievement!! grabs into his robes, gets out the oscar he stole (see my profile) and hands it over to aeth, shaking his hand
we will call this the Doobie Awards for amazing comment achievements! "

Supreme Chancellor -massadoobie- Nov 06 05:55pm -
Ladies and Gentleman, the votes are in, and here are the results:

cHoSeN-oNe 12 votes
Zero 3 votes
Loaf 1 vote
Eclipse 5 votes
Zip 2 votes (but he's quitting the academy, so he gets ZERO votes)
Jumpin Jedi 4 votes

I would like to congratulate our new Jedi Academy Supreme Chancellor... CHOSEN ONE! It was a well-fought race by everyone, but frankly, this result was never in doubt (since cHoSeN came up with the idea). The Council will be in contact with cHoSeN-oNe to sort out the details of his job, but for now, everyone just congratulate him on his victory!

State of the Jedi Academy Address -massadoobie- Nov 09 01:52pm
::adjusts microphone and waits for rousing standing ovation to settle::
Ladies and gentleman of the Jedi Academy, it is I, your leader, massadoobie, here to present to you the state of the Academy.
Well, the last couple days have been rather interesting, to say the least. Going back to when L-Rod left, there's been a lot of stuff going on, some of it good, some of it bad. On the good side we've had a few promotions in the trainers ranks (Zero to Mentor, Avalon to Council), cHoSeN-oNe becoming Supreme Chancellor (although the dark side clouds his future... , we've launched our learner and journeyman trials (and finally gotten the site updated to match), we've added another Huxley server, and we've taught a lot of good people civility and skill.
On the bad side, there have been entirely too many arguments lately. Students fighting with students, students fighting with trainers, trainers fighting with trainers, all sorts of stupid petty crap. It's time to put a stop to all of this. From now on, if any JACs or JATs see you arguing without even trying to set your egos or whatever aside to settle the argument, you will receive a warning. Yes, that seems strict considering you only get two warnings, but to be honest, all this fighting is over stupid stuff. Also, the Council and the Trainers will be having a meeting tomorrow to discuss, amongst other things, trainer conduct. I know this is a big concern for a lot of you, and it is for us as well.
Furthermore (don't you love those connecting words you learned in English class?), we're in the process of analyzing the ranking structure to see if we can improve things. Although sometimes it may not seem like it, we do read almost all of the comments made on newsposts and sent to us via email, and there have been a lot of good ideas tossed about. Our job now is to take those ideas, mold them so that they can apply best to the JA, and implement them (quickly).
A few things for everyone to look out for. We're going to be having new JATs very soon. Six JATs just isn't enough. We're also going to be doing the aforementioned ranking structure changes... more details on that when we actually have them. Knight trials will be coming soon as well (although remember that you have to be recommended by a JAC or JAT to receive a knight trial). Someday, eventually, hopefully, Derelict Crusader will finish the Jedi Academy Map, version 2.0.
To finish this off, I'd like to make a plea to all of you. One of the main objectives when we started the Academy was to have a place where maturity and respect would reign above all else. For the most part I feel as though we've acheived this objective. I have been truly impressed by the maturity level, civility, and respect a majority of our members show towards one another. However of late that has been missing a bit. What I would like is for every member of the Academy, from the Council on down through to the newest Initiate, to take a look at themselves and how they treat the other members. If you see yourself treating others without the respect that they deserve as people (even if you don't personally respect them), then you have two choices. One, you can (and I recommend this) try and fix your attitude towards others and see if you can turn the other cheek and treat everyone with respect. Or two... You can leave the Academy. It's that simple. To be honest, we don't want you here if you're going to be rude, disruptive, ego-driven, or disrespectful to ANYONE (and that includes everyone, including our favorite Scot JumpinJedi... I point out his name only because he seems to be a lightning rod for trouble... some of it deserved, some of it not. But he's a prime example of someone who has turned the other cheek (most of the time) and whom a lot of others must turn the other cheek about).
Along the same lines, I must make an apology to anyone I offended with my post about the Knights Council earlier. Although I didn't mean it negatively when I said some people wanted power they didn't deserve, I can see how people could misconstrue that as being a slap in the face. So to those people, I'm sorry.
Members of the Academy, we have a great thing going here. Lets try to keep it that way. Feel free, as always, to email the Council email account ( if you need anything. Also, feel free to leave us comments on this news post. See you on the servers!
::walks out quickly before anyone wakes up from trying to read this long post::

The Jedi Academy Thanksgiving Tournament! -aValon- Nov 15 03:26am
This is an event that is going to be amazing. Padawan Huxley and Zero are going to assist me in what is going to be our first JA Tournament. There is no requirement to attend this, however there is a maximum of 40 students that can attend for this. This is for Students ONLY no JATs or JACs will be In the tournament. Leave a comment if you wish to apply. There is a prize however it will be kept secret The first 40 Applicants will be admited, after that you can wait for the next tournament or be our audience when it takes place. More information will be posted as I get more responses.

P.S. I need at least 20 pple to have a tournament and 40 is the most. The Actual starting date and Time for the Tournament is on Wednesday the 20th of Nov. at 10pm EST. and It ends on Wed the 27th of November. Thank you and lets make this a blast! (Mune note: You download a demo created by Zero of the opening ceremonies here )

Hell freezes over... -massadoobie- Nov 15 12:18pm -...because our resident kilt wearer, JumpinJedi, has been promoted (again) to JAT! In all seriousness, JJ deserved this promotion, and we wish him the best of luck and look forward to the wacky classes he'll be teaching. Good job Scotchie!

Jedi Academy Six Month Anniversary -massadoobie- Nov 16 08:55pm
Today truly is a historical day, as the Jedi Academy celebrated it's 6-month anniversary of being open. That's right, it was 6 months ago today, the 17th, that I completed the first test version of the site and posted it to our address for the then-leader JediSith999 to approve, which he did. This was also right around the time that DJ Sith joined the Academy, first as a server host alone, but then as the webmaster (as it became clear that JediSith999 was leaving and my web design skills, well, sucked compared to DJ's). It was little more than 2 weeks later that we opened for trainer applications. ( )

As part of a mini-celebration for this fairly impressive anniversary (considering I would not have been shocked if this place died within a month), I've posted the original site design for your enjoyment and my embarassment. I do have to say, however, that a lot of the ideas I had for content have stayed around, including our tag line at the end... but the visual appeal of the site has definitely improved since then! Be forewarned, however, that a lot of the stuff is broken, including the email addresses for me and JediSith999 (the email addresses were too much of a hassle to deal with).

Now for a bit of news on the future of the site. Our dear friend, Mapboy Derelict Crusader is alive and has posted a zip file of screenshots for the map expansion. He also sent me this in the mail:

I'm uploadin' some new screenshots as I write this...
Just know that I'm still at it
PS - The dark areas in the screenshots are not final, I still have to add A LOT of light entities...
Ummmm I guess you can post these just to reassure the people that it's slowly getting there.

And one more thing... if you're wondering who was the first OFFICIAL batch of Jedi Academy members, look for for a number that's less than 100 (or so) in their profile ID. Those are the original originals!

v2 Map Released! -DJ Sith- Nov 20 07:47pm
That's right ladies and germs. The new map is out! You can all get it here ( ). It's already up on my servers and should be on the other servers soon. We think you'll like the changes and additions. Big big thanks to =Derelict-Crusader= for crafting this masterpiece for us!

THE TOURNAMENT, IS OVER! -aValon- Nov 27 06:28pm -This historic day will be remembered as the first finishing of a Jedi Academy Tournament. Today in an epic battle for the Championship, ShadowSith was victorious against Muffin-Man. He as a result of winning the tournament has earned the prize and Rank of Knight and the Gold Medal. Muffin-Man Faught very well and earned the Silver medal. Please Congradulate both of them in person or leaving a comment under their profile. They Have earned it. I myself will take a 4 day break for Thanksgiving Weekend but will be on IRC. EVERYONE did a great job at the Tournament and Im proud of everyone who participated and faught hard. Until the next Tournament... May the Force be with you!!

P.S. - I would also like to give my THANKS and GREAT Appreciation to Huxley, Zero, and All the JATs that went out of their way to help me with this. I COULD NOT have done this without you. I Thank you all very much and I wish EVERYONE a Happy Thanksgiving!

Good comment of the day... -massadoobie- Dec 09 01:39pm
I think I'm going to start highlighting the good posts I see around the site on the news page. So to start that off, I saw this one from a few days ago that Vaughn posted on the "Are you guys a clan" FAQ page. He has some good thoughts on what exactly the Academy is (and no, he's not implying communism as in Soviet communism, he's implying communism as in Marxist, pure communism. Click here for a humorous explanation if you're confused about the difference).

"there are many clans within the academy. I am starting to belive that The academy is not a clan or a klan, or a cult... but a community. Think of it as an olden style town. In this town, there are 3 different types of people. The elders (council), the parents (JAT's/JAStaff), and then the children (JAS/JAK). While the parents may be doing their own thing with the elders (meetings), the children are all out having fun. While some children hang out toghether (Clans = gangs?), there may be some who are not part of these groups, who are just friends by themselves. These children who are not part of any clans/gangs/cults, are the people without any tags other than (JAS) or (JAK).

To be part of this community/town, you do not have to be part of a clan/gang, you just have to be helpful to people, no matter who they are, and nice to everyone, from the academy or not. What I am trying to get at, is that the academy relies on respect and friendship. Without these, the academy would be non existant.

I dont know if people like the ideals of communism, but in the ideal communism, people are equal. If the academy was perfect, it would be more like the ideal communist town, however it is not yet perfect. Therefore, it is stuctured more like a democrocy, or monarchy where people can advance (not anarchy > ). This is to help everybody. The rules would be enforced, and everyone would be or is happy. "

State of the Academy Address Part 2 -Silent Whisper- Dec 16 09:23am
Attention all students, staff, and trainers. It has come to my attention that several issues are running wild through this academy and causing havok. Today I hope to put these issues at rest. Let's get straight to the point.

First issue. I have been getting requests for JAT trials again. I'm going to remind everyone(again) that JAT trials are NOT to be requested. We see and know everything that goes on here. If you are to be a JAT, it is because the Council and other trainers feel that you would be a valuable asset to the team. A trainer is not just based on his/her skill, but character as well. RESPECT, ladies and gentlemen, is the ultimate quality of our Council and trainers. Speaking of Council, the same goes here. A new Council member is only elected if the existing Council agrees that he/she would uphold all the values of the academy. On an end note, I remind everyone that we are NOT hiring anymore JATs and JACs at the present. So do not ask. If you do the JATs and JACs can either ignore you or simply tell you no.

Second topic. Because of recent actions taken against disruptive students, some of the student body has been questioning JAC and JAT integrity. May I remind you that any issue you have with a Council member or a trainer should be taken privately and not posted publicly. We promote fairness and freedom of speech but please, be professional about it. All ideas, comments, complatins can be sent to

I hope this has cleared up some confusion. I'm not much for conclusions so I'll just say train hard, keep your spirits high, and of course: May the Force be with you.

Good comment of the day... -massadoobie- Dec 16 06:52pm
Here's today's good comment of the day, posted by Huxley in the preceding "State of the Academy Address Part 2" (although my address was WAY longer... this is more like a "Get over it or get on with it" address). Oh, and if you're wondering my opinion on the matter... The Academy isn't perfect, the JACs aren't perfect, and you're not perfect. But we're all here to have fun, so lets start doing that instead of whining and moaning like a bunch of spoiled brats about ranks and stuff like that. If I have to I'll shut down the ranks and make this a dictatorship, but no one wants that. Anyway, onto Hux's post...

"Ok, well here's my take on the situation:
All the "upper-management" works very hard to keep things in order and people happy at the Academy. The Council is outstanding, they have so much work that they do, preparing the trials, working on the website, maintaining order.
Everyone needs to remember this and apprecaite it, before telling JATs and JACs that they "dont do anything" and "are lazy" when they are busy Trialling people all week long and want 1 night off on a weekend.
I have fun doing trials, as do the other Instructors. But it really takes the fun out of it when students get deliberate and rude when they don't get a trial that second they ask for it.
This game and its experiences should be played out like the movie (IMO). You should work hard to achieve your goals. Rather than just learning 3 combos for your Journeyman trial, try to make up new ones yourself and master them. CHALLENGE YOURSELF. That is what the Trials are for.
When I started here only 3 months ago, I couldn't play the game at all. Now I'm a JAT, I teach classes, people want me to be their master. All because of my hard work and dedication.
The Ranks are there for the added fun in the game. You must MASTER each level to move on to the next. Don't just treat each level as a homework assignment at school.
The trials mean more to the Council and the Teachers than that, and it should mean more to the students too.
For everyone's information, I failed my Learners trial bad when I first took it. And Didn't pass until I worked hard for another week SOLID.
Then for my Journeyman trial, I wasn't warmed up and I got a dismissal until I was ready the next night because I was so un-prepared.
So don't think the "uppper-management" is ANY different from the students. We are all students together, so no one should seperate themselves from that. We are ALL here to learn more and play the game better.
So if a JAT says they cant trial you, because they are busy or tired or done 10 trials already, give them a break. Go work on your skills. Come back and ask another day.
Just make sure you are still learning new things and "not what I need to pass" like in school.
This academy is much different than a normal school.
Feel happy and privledged to be here.
Show respect to ALL members of the Academy.
and May The Force Be With You. "

Concerning Hobbi... JumpinJedi -DJ Sith- Dec 23 12:10pm -
As we all know (or all the informed people that read the forums know ) JumpinJedi tentered his JAT Resignation. Turns out he was acting spur of the moment and he's back in now. He wanted me to post this message for you guys and gals:

Hey guys, DJ was kind enough to let me do this, so kudos to him!
First of all, I want to clarify my situation. Yes, I quit, and yes, I quit quitting. I was stressed, and made a rather hasty decision. I'm back now, and I’m going to give it 800%. Now see, I’ve been really inactive since October. I have a pretty damn good excuse. I don't actually have JKII. "How did he become a JAT?!" you ask. Well, I guess I just slept with the right people

The story is simple: I moved into my own place with my fiancé, and I didn't have a computer which could handle JKII. But fear not - The computer which I have used for JKII since I bought (AKA downloaded) it will be mine, as a gift from my Dad for Christmas. So there you have it.
Ok, now here's another thing. I know you guys are here to learn, and we need staff to do that. But guys, the JATs and JACs are only human. We do our best to help you guys out, but it's very stressful, especially when we have an angry mob of learners demanding journeyman trials. Go easy on us, guys. Please, remember, we're only human.
Have a very merry Christmas, everyone! Take Care.

Your favorite kilt wearing, long haired metalhead,
Welcome back ya big galoot!

Our Tournament Champion...again. -aValon- Jan 01 09:37am -
Today in was a LARGE gathering of JAC/JAT/JAC memebers, ShadowSith fought hard and well to obtain his second Tournament Trophy in this Council Tournament. Give him your salutes and praises, and get ready for the next tourney which will take place some 2 weeks from now. May the force be with you all. :jj: (Mune note: I loved that smiley!!!)

Jedi Academy Mod updated... -DJ Sith- Jan 07 02:43am
cHoSeN-oNe has fixed a small exploit in the AcademyMod and has sent me a new .zip. You can download it here ( ).

This is what happens when the staff has a meeting... -DJ Sith- Jan 12 05:38am -
Howdy all. We had another long and... exciting... meeting today! Here's what we discussed:

We are quite aware of how we've become more the 'Trials Academy' as of late. Students arent attending enough class and the JATs are hounded with trial requests whenever they join the servers. This was not the intention of the creation of the ranking/trialing system, so we're placing some restrictions on trials...

a) JAT's are encouraged to only hold trials during trial classes, but if they feel like giving trials whenever they can do so. If a JAT is not wearing his JAT tag he should be considered off duty and not giving trials.

b) To counteract the whole "enrolling in class and not attending" and "rushing to trial" phenomenons we're adding a point system to the users database. A user will get one point for every class attended. A student will lose a point if they enroll in a class but can't make it. If they have a good excuse (not "I fergot" or "your class sux0rz";) then no point will be deducted. Classes like roleplay and tour classes won't have points added to them. We're going to require 5 points before you can submit a Learner trial, 12 for Journeyman, and 20 for Jedi Knight. All the folks with trials in progress will automatically get the necessary points to take all these. Those without trials in progress will get the points they would get if they just passed their trial (with a little leeway added by the JACs in special cases).

We hate adding extra hierarchy into the Academy, but we need to stay focus on what we set out to do, and that wasn't to spend all our time on trials.

I should have this written into the website by tomorrow night.

We discussed evidence handling. If you're going to submit a screenshot of someone doing bad get an open console with a log of what theyre saying in your screenshot. The validity of a shot taken of a guy sabering another guy is highly dubious.

Avalon is now our lead trainer and cHoSeN-oNe is a permanent Council member. Hurrah!

My DSL company is going out of business next month. Once I get regular residential DSL I won't be able to host a server. Tell your friends the Jedi Academy needs servers! The problem is residential DSL and cable won't meet our bnadwidth needs. Any help with leads to cheap (and preferably free) game servers, bandwidth, colo hosting, anything would be greatly appreciated.

We've heard your complaints about v2 of the map and are working our mapboy to get them fixed. Expect another smaller version of the map sometime. I can't give an ETA on it though. Viva le FPS!

The portion of the Knight trial where you have the option to fight an empowered JAT is bieng replaced with a "protection" test. 1 JAT trialing the knight is going to try and kill another of the JAT's, and it is the Knight hopeful's task to defend that JAT. Sounds cool, eh? Many thanks to our Jedi Lore scholar Ulic Belouve for that one! Oh yeah it was his idea for the point system too. He rules.

That's the long and the short of it. A few students observed the meeting to see what goes on behind the curtains. A log of the meeting is here. Read it if you have a few hours to kill and like reading VERY dry and boring stuff. Anyhow, I'm turning in for the evening. Good night all and keep training!

Two quick notes from massadoobie...

If you can't take classes, and therefore can't get "promoted", IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Seriously, the points were added to encourage people to take classes, which is the point of this entire site. If you're not able to get promoted, does that mean you still can't have fun? NO. I apologize to those of you who really can't take classes because of time differences, we're working on that issue... but if you're going to complain about the points because it means you can't get promoted, you should find other things to worry about, promotions don't matter in the long run, they're just "goals", not "requirements"

On another note, Silent Whisper has moved on to bigger and better things (aka she got a scholarship to college and doesn't have time or access for the JA). We wish her the best of luck and have a funny feeling she'll drop in every once in a while. She didn't want a post dedicated to her departure, but I feel that she did so much for us, it deserves to be mentioned (plus this post talks about a lot of other stuff )

Class points system is up. -DJ Sith- Jan 12 09:56pm -
Ok folks its in place. Just to make sure we're all on the same page all students recieved points for their current rank (eg all learners have 5 points, jmen 12, etc). All people with current pending trials got the number of points needed for that trial (to be fair ). Here's answers to a few questions I got:
Points will be awarded for personal instruction by an instructor or knight. Our goal here is to keep you learning.
Class points are viewable on your profile pages only if you're trying to view your own profile. Instructors and above can see anyones class point value.
Instructors have 1 hour after their class is over to award attendance points before their roster clears.
Points are cumulative. So if you have 5 points you only need to attend 7 classes to get to your Jamn trial, not 12.
If you can't make it to class for whatever reason then you should remove yourself from the roster before class starts.
If you recieved only 5 points because you're a Learner, yet attend every class under the sun talk to a JAC or a JAT or 5. We can be persuaded to alter your attendance points.
Those are the main points that were brought to me. I want to reiterate that this is a minor minor thing. We're not here to trial. We're here to learn from each other and churn out skilled, respectful JK2 players. Rank is the icing on the cake. Have fun out there and keep up with the learning!

Jedi Academy Script -cHoSeN oNe- Jan 17 03:49am -
Finally, the Official Jedi Academy Script is available for download here.
This version is for Students Only!!
I'd like to thank Yun, Huxley, and CoRRUPTioN for helping me on this project. Other versions for Knights, Trainers, and Council members are available for download through the forums.

3 new instructors! -DJ Sith- Jan 17 04:17pm -Please join me in welcoming 3 new members to the rank of Jedi Instructor! Congratulations to LaMagra, skyler_, and Nightcrawler! Well done and may the Force be with you.

1 more Instructor for ya! -DJ Sith- Jan 29 01:36pm - Congratulations to NofrikinfuN on his promotion to Trainer! He's been with us for a while, has the right attitude, and we think he'll do a great job. Mazel tov!

Leavin' on a jet plane -"Rowdy" Roddy Piper- Jan 31 06:13am -
Welp guys, i've been scarce lately. Why ? Real life. It's been hectic, so i'm going to be gone for a good while. There is alot of things in real life that I need to get into order, and when things are smoother in my life, i'll return ! Until next time, I enlist Tiamat to supply the beer, and DJ to supply the Mari..cigars

Until next time, my friends ! Beer ! Metal ! Satan !

News from Mirkwood of Middle-Earth -massadoobie- Feb 05 06:51am -
This just in from our oldest remaining trainer (look at his profile id number!), Legolas:

"Legolas here, I'm going to be taking a semi-permanent leave from the JA. I've been going basically non-stop since it's creation over half a year ago with only a few weeks of real off time. I'm going to disapear for about two months and then I'll consider whether or not I want to come back. You'll see another post in the end of March with my decision. I'll still be stopping by, but it will be on rare occasions. My classes will stop until I make my final decision. See you folks later. "

Best of luck to you Legolas, you've always got a spot here in the JA

New Staff Member -Loaf- Feb 09 09:09am -
Wow. My idiotic antics and various witty remarks have earnt me a nice little place on the JA Staff . I am the dedicated news poster for the Academy now, so expect some....stuff .

It has arrived! - *Updated* -=Derelict-Crusader=- Feb 09 04:24pm ***Update***

I've been frequenting the KS server and the JA site; following the threads regarding map issues. Just wanted to let you guys know that I have already altered a few things in order to alleviate some of the problems that have come up following the release. Expect an updated Version 3 next weekend.

Who wants short shorts?! We want short shorts!!!” No wait! Wrong one… “Who wants new map?! We want new map… and so on and so forth….

I am happy to say that V3 of the Jedi Academy has arrived and will be up for grabs later tonight! Just a few quick notes for those that are unaware of some jedi_academy map history.

- A few weeks ago I had a small melt-down, care of my OS. In this melt-down I lost dozens of directories, JK2 included. I was VERY lucky to find one old .map file of the jedi_academy on my entire system. This being said, the Lost Temple is no more! (gotta love the irony) Sorry to those that loved this part of the map but on the other hand those that didn’t really appreciate the lost temple will be happy to see it gone. (Yes I know who you are! You’re on the list…. I mean…. Yeah..)
- The pillar room has been redesigned from the ground up and should put a new “spin” on duels.
- The Council room is more functional now, important duels may take place there.
- If you want more info on what has changed and been added, please read the txt file that will be in the zip.
Before I forget, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved in the beta testing and picture posing! You know who you are! And NO you’re not on the list!
( )
By the way, there is no need to backup the previous version as this will not overwrite it.

The return of an old friend -massadoobie- Feb 13 11:23am -Ladies and Gentlemen, one of the original JATs has returned to his rightful position. La Magra, Nofrikinfun, Jacen Solo, and I ran a "Knight" trial for Shannon today, but instead of promoting him to knight, we promoted him to trainer (with consent of the rest of the Council). Magra got a demo of the proceedings. Everyone do festive gestures and congratulate Shannon on his re-promotion!
*edit* the demo is up, and it actually works

Hey its another meeting! -DJ Sith- Feb 15 01:10pm -
This meeting clocked in at around 2.5 hours, that's almost a record isnt it? We discussed much. Here's the high points:
The class points system the way is is now isn't the right way to get people ready for trial. Points right now are based on attendance, not knowledge. It was agreed upon the start up cirriculums for each rank with the trial at the end of the cirriculum to see if you get the rank. The details on this will be discussed in private by the JATs. Expect to see a much more involved (and fun) trial process.
To the JATs: for now keep awarding points on classes until we get the new system worked out. If you think a student is enrolled in your class just to get the attendance point & they blatantly don't learn anything go ahead and deny them their point.
Asking for donations from companies so far is going nowhere. We're going to set up a PayPal account for donations and a store where you can buy neato JA merch still. Nightcrawler is almost done with the logo (so far it looks FANtastic. ), and Doobie will get the PayPal acct created.
Keep in mind that giving money is not manditory, but is much appreciated. We can purchase servers with this and have actual tournament prizes.
If you have any suggestions or know of a company that can hook us up with something please tell Arcuss, who's heading this effort (Thanks, Arcuss).
We're going to create a JAT position called the "LeadKnight". Like our Lead Trainer does for our instructors this LeadKnight will help the JAK's with their Knightly duties. The JAT to do this will be voted upon by the Knights via email. La Magra and Jacen Solo are heading this one up.
The JACs are going to set up sessions to make sure the JATs are doing an effective job teaching.
The Academy has an official Hydroball team! The JA Aurochs will be joining a league soon. I see this as analogous to a college's football team. JumpinJedi and Eclipse will mascot.

I'm closing all classes that are taught by anyone that's not a Knight or above. I broke the rules when I let a J-Man or 2 teach classes, and its getting out of hand. My apologies to those whose classes I'm closing. Students can still hold informal classes on the non-classes if they want. Knights are going to be approved by the JATs before they start teaching on their own. Knights can assist classes no problem. We're doing this to make sure that our classes are helpful for the students.

We created the Knight admin capability to help limit the abuse that was rampant on the servers 2 months ago. We think that has subsided, so we're going to close off Knight logins. This will be a test case though. If it turns out that we still need this we'll turn it back on.

Whew! Fun stuff! Those brave enough can read a transcript of the meeting here ( ).

Policies and procedures... -massadoobie- Feb 15 08:27pm -Well, looks like I missed one hell of a meeting! I did have my one contribution though, and I'd like to release it to the Academy as a whole. I typed this policy sheet up yesterday and gave it to DJ to approve (so basically this is from both of us) and had him release it at the meeting. It basically clarifies the administrative positions in the Academy and what their roles are. I hope you all find it somewhat helpful.

New site in the hizzy. -DJ Sith- Feb 16 08:28pm -I'm sure most of you are checking your address bars to make sure you're at the right site. Yes this is still the Academy site. Waaay back in June when the PHP based site was created we were under a real time crunch to officially open so I kind of threw a site together with a few screenshots. I was never really satisfied with it, and wanted the site to have a more "modern" and "academy" feel to it. This is what I came up with. I hope ya'll like it. I think I've covered all tracks of the old site, but if you see anything wrong with the new design (images out of place, broken url's, etc) please let me know.

I need to give credit where due credit is due. The Logo in the top left was made by Nightcrawler, who is working on a slightly different version that will go on all of our store merchandise. Yes you too can finally own JA boxer shorts. The image hiding in the menu is the Knight Insignia made by Ulic Belouve (recolored by yours truly though).

Neato site tricks: Each time the page loads one of 7 random screenshots will load in the title image. Fancy, eh? If you have a particurlarly cool screenshot that has an "academy" feel to it send it my way. If I can work it into the design I'll add it to the store of random loaded title images.

I hope you enjoy the change. Keep practicing and have fun!

Sexy new map from Kalheka -massadoobie- Feb 19 08:06am
I was browsing the forums earlier and I came across this thread about a new map by Kalheka. I tried it out and discovered that it's pretty freaking sweet, and Damon Belouve, Kalheka's self-proclaimed agent, says version 2 is even better. Here's hoping that Kal decides to add a little more variety to the rooms on the second floor (*wink wink nudge nudge*). But until then you can try the map out here ( ). I'm not sure about getting it into the map rotation, the server stuff is for Huxley and DJ to figure out, but I for one thing it's a sweet map. Good work Kal!

JJ Absence -Loaf- Feb 23 05:33am -
Resident Scottie, Jumpin Jedi, will be out of the JA for an undetermined amount of time. This means that all classes that he teaches will be cancelled, and that he has been modest and doesn't want to run for Lead Knight. Lets hope he returns soon...

JAMod 1.1 released! -DJ Sith- Mar 03 05:28pm -
Our dutiful mod programmer cHoSeN oNe has cranked out an update to the Jedi Academy Mod. The most current version is now at 1.1. Here's some of the changes made:
New Custom cVar welcome message in console.
mgametype - Trainers can now change maps/gametypes.
mrandteams - Randomizes teams in CTF gameplay.
amhelp - Helps Admins, Client with admin commands. (Custom help messages capable)
4 New Custom cVars to display messages for logged in/not logged in adminstrators upon use of admin command.
Improved Jedi Vs. Merc Mode.
g_mBlockThrow - allows client to lose thrown saber if blocked by opponent.
Fixed emote(s) exploit during Duels and SaberLocks.
Clients can now Duel in Team gamemods, cannot duel flagcarriers.
g_mDebugCheats - allows access to hidden features in JK2 (cVar default is 1)
mnpcaccess - allows client access to the NPC features.
mnpcnoaccess - disallows client access to the NPC features.
g2animent - spawns an NPC.
g2platoon - spawns a platoon of NPC's
Superb job as always, sir! You can download the mod here ( ). NOTE: This is a server side only mod. Only server administrators need to get this!

Spring Cleaning at the Jedi Academy -DJ Sith- Mar 08 11:15am -
The most common complaint I get about the Jedi Academy is that "it's not like how it used to be". Instead of working on improving their skills, students nowadays concern themselves with class points, trials, and rank, and all the things that come along with that. It takes away from their capacity to learn. And it takes away from an Instructor's ability to teach.

We are dropping the concept of rank at the Jedi Academy. I know many of you were working toward getting up there, and I'm sorry for pulling the rug out from under all of you like this. Our goal here is to teach how to play the video game Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, and to try to be a good part of the JKII gaming community, not personal advancement.

If you're looking for personal rank advancement: go join a clan. It's as simple as that. If you want to learn in an attitude neutral enviornment and to help your fellow players become better players then stay with us. We're going back towards being the open school that we were when we first opened.

The current Knights will stay as Knights, but the rold of a Knight is changing from a student rank to more of a separate job. For those who remember this they will serve in the old "Jedi In Training" role. They will serve to help keep the peace on the servers, and to assist in classes. The other students are having their rank converted to "student" (unless I can think of something else that sounds cool looking on a forum ). Knights and above can still train Padawan. Knights will get selected in the exact same way they do now, minus the class points. They'll get recomended by a current JAT or JAC or staff member. They fill out an exam on the site, and take a trial on the server. Watch out though.. because this test is going to be rather in depth.. we've cooked up a real whopper that will test your skill and character.

The Jedi Mentor rank is leaving us as well. All Jedi Mentors are going down to the Jedi Instructor level. The Jedi Master rank is going to be given to our most senior instructors, who have been with us for quite some time and know how we work. You should be able to go to a Master with any question and expect to get a good answer.

Some of you will be dissapointed with this idea. I can't blame you. You've been working hard. And I'm proud of that, and proud of all of you. Keep working. Keep practicing. Help others learn. Now you can work and play without having to worry about all the overhead or if you have enough class points to do this or that or whatever.

Advent Version 2 -Loaf- Mar 11 07:51pm -That's right, Kalheka has released version two of his famous Advent map (which i like to play with on SP).
It can be downloaded here ( NOTE: Click Advent2 on the site it takes you to if you're gonna download it from this post) .
If you could download that one now, and if Huxley could switch over the maps to this one on facility, then all'd be much appreciated .

The Sound of Goodbye... -aValon- Mar 20 06:09pm -In June of 2002, I joined the JA with the hopes of becoming a better player. Almost a year has passed and I've come out a better person.
My college has given me the chance to graduate with honors in psychology and are willing to help me ,with several other students, to get my Doctorate in Psychology. I took a job with a local child care clinic and have been putting in double effort to keep myself where I am. This is why I haven't been on for some time.
The JA has been my second home. My shelter from the winds of war in the world and in my personal life. I stepped onto the servers hoping to be a better player, and coming out a better person. The JA made me believe in myself, and in my abilities. Without everyone here, I wouldn't be where I am.

So it is painful for me to announce that I am leaving the JA. I thank everyone who has helped me. DJ for your guidance, Doobs for your Leadership, Silent for our duels, Huxley for your dedication, and to Everyone for your friendship. This isn't just a school for playing a game, it's a community. I enjoyed my duration here and will never forget you all.... and Always remember, The Force Will be with you.....Always!

JA Mod 1.2 released! -DJ Sith- Mar 24 12:26am -Our ever dilligent mod coder cHoSeN-oNe has cranked out another version of the Academy mod! Here's a bit of the new features, but the complete list can be found in the readme file:
Admin and/or Knight login access can be Enabled/Disabled to disallow secondary admins . (If both set to 0, the rcon will have only access)
All Admin Commands can be Enabled(default)/Disabled.
mterminator - turns client into a superb fighting machine.
g_mDuelStats - toggles enabled/disabled for duelers to see stats after duel. (Winner, HP, Armor)
Note: This is a server side only mod. ONLY server admins need to download this. Nice work, Chosen!
You can get it here ( )!

Our new JAT: DarkBlade! -Huxley- Mar 30 12:11am -I would like to tell everyone about another Jedi Knight that has found their path to Jedi Instructor: Dark Blade!!

We have now 3 new fresh Jedi Instructors that all have new ideas and things to teach everyone. Look for new classes from all of them starting soon!!

Congrats DB, Bubu and Luke!!

Woo-hoo! We're famous! -Loaf- Apr 03 05:16pm -Jedi Knight 3 has been officially named Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.
Game Features Revealed
In Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, you will be able to create your character as well as construct your own lightsaber from handle to blade color!
Star Wars® Jedi Knight®: Jedi Academy™ allows players to immerse themselves in the classic Star Wars universe as they take on the role of a student eager to learn the ways of the Force from Master Luke Skywalker. Players will interact with famous classic Star Wars locations and characters while facing the ultimate choice: fight for good and freedom in the light side or follow the path of power and evil to the dark side.
Players can create their own characters by defining various characteristics, such as species, gender, clothing and physical attributes allowing for a more personal experience before entering the academy to learn the powers - and dangers - of the Force.
Construct your own lightsaber from handle to blade color. Utilize two if you prefer or try the ultimate dual-bladed lightsaber made famous by Darth Maul.
Unique tiered level selection allows players to choose their adventure and the missions they take based on the skills they need to become the ultimate Jedi Knight.
Additional multiplayer modes add depth to the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight legacy. Players can partake in a variety of unique modes.
New vehicles, weapons and Star Wars environments enhance players Star Wars experience.
The Official Site is here ( ).
Dammit! They stole our idea!

The State of the Jedi Academy -massadoobie- Apr 07 02:04am
*doobie steps up to the podium*
*doobie taps on microphone*
Is this thing on? Everyone hear me ok? Ok, good. Students, Teachers, Council members, lend me your ears… It is I, massadoobie, leader of the Jedi Academy Council, who wishes to speak to you this evening. Tonight, a few weeks before the Academy celebrates its one-year anniversary, I would like to address you and talk about the State of the Jedi Academy.
In the past year, we’ve seen the Academy grow from 3 dorks conning out of webspace to 5 dorks on a council in charge of over 1600 students, 13 Teachers, and 16 Knights. We’ve seen the Academy move from a small niche in the Jedi Knight Community to a large, well-respected force throughout the web (We even have our own game coming out! ) We hold 34 classes per week on 4 servers (although our Dutch server seems to be down at the moment, something which is being researched). And coming soon, I am proud to announce the acquisition of our own personal address, the URL of which will be announced when the site is ready to be transferred. DJ's gonna make that bad boy so super-sexy that Playboy will be calling requesting pictures. It'll but the new and improved "improvements" on this url to shame! It truly is a great time at the Academy.
Recently I asked the members of the Academy to provide a list of what everyone would like to hear about, and the response was overwhelming. However, I was able to pick a few specific topics that I’ll focus on this evening. The first is the Jedi Academy Knowledge Project, from here on out to be known as the Holocron. Ruuk Haviser, one of the leaders of the Holocron, was extremely helpful in providing information, so much so that a separate forum page can be seen here. However, to summarize, the Holocron will be a massive database of information about JK2 (and hopefully JK3) that will be fully integrated with the main site. There will be two portion of the Holocron. The official portion will be comprised of articles written by select members on specific topics, which can be seen here. The unofficial section will be comprised of user submissions, edited, sorted, and formatted by Holocron staff, that will serve as a historical and educational storehouse for the events of the Academy. Our hope is that the Holocron will become a community-wide warehouse of information that anyone who plays our beloved game can use.
Next up is the ranking system and the Jedi Academy Knights. Ever since the sub-rankings were eliminated we’ve noticed a renewed interest in attending classes for the sake of knowledge, not simply to fulfill a promotion requirement. This was our intended goal, and we hope it shall continue. The Academy is a school, not a clan, and I hope we all never forget that. Jacen Solo, JAT and Lead Knight, has informed that the Knights are alive and well, with three Knights (Luke Skywalker, DarkBlade, and Bubu) recently being promoted. I would like to remind everyone, however, that the rank of Knight is a privilege, not a right. As Jacen says, “With all the ranks gone ppl are turning to the knight position as the their next goal. Nothing wrong with that, but I'm not being too successful explaining them that we can't have 100 knights and that a knight is like a Junior JAT and we only promote ppl to knight when the current number decreases or the number of students to take care of increases.” So basically, if you feel you deserve to be a Knight, keep doing what you’re doing, we’ll notice you. Otherwise, enjoy being a student! Oh, and there’s a new Knight trial since the sub-rankings have been eliminated. It’s tough, Jacen made sure it was…. But unfortunately we can’t tell you about it unless you go through it (same with Huxley’s Trainer trial).
I’d like to address servers and the server fund for a moment. We currently have 4 servers, as I mentioned, although 2 of them aren’t always good to go. At the moment we have $143 in the donation fund, having spent some money to register our domain name. In order to get another server (regrettably in the US of A, we rely on donations in Europe), we need about $500. So feel free to click that sexy Paypal button to the left and donate some money.
The mapping community is going nuts these days, in a good way! Kalheka sends word that he’s tinkering with ideas for the third version of his incredible Advent map, and Derelict-Crusader has also let me know that a Version 4 of the official Academy map will be seen sometime soon (although “soon” to DC could take a while). Huxley also informs me that Zero, LaMagra, himself, and “maybe a few more” are doing good work on event-specific maps (such as CTF and a Knight and Trainer trials/temple map).
Speaking of maps, Hux and Co.’s map is due to be released the day of the Jedi Academy Prom. Problem is, I’ve had conflicting reports of the actual date. Both April 26th and May 17th (both conceivable dates for our one-year anniversary) have been offered. Once a final date is nailed down, we’ll let you all know.
As for morale, I feel that at this current point morale is very high in the Academy. Although we did have that *slight* misunderstanding on April 1st (sorry!), other than that morale seems to be high. We do have a problem with people signing up for double accounts and manipulating the security checks we’ve set up. Unless previously approved (in order to change a user name mainly), having multiple accounts is EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN. From here on out, we will be using our full resources to make sure we don’t have people in the Academy who shouldn’t be here. The Academy provides a service for free, and we find it incredibly offensive when people abuse this service. We will not tolerate abuse of the system, the servers, or the rules.
To wrap up, I’d like to thank my fellow Council members for all of the good work they put in. I know in the past few months I haven’t been around much, but I’m immensely proud of the hard work DJ puts in to maintain the site, Huxley puts in to run the Trainers, Silent Whisper puts in to maintain civility, and Chosen One puts in to develop our mod. Plus, the dedication shown by the four of you, the trainers and knights, and all of the students, makes me incredibly happy to be at the head of such a wonderful organization.
That’s all for this speech. Thanks for reading, and get ready to celebrate the Jedi Academy’s first birthday in a few weeks! May the Force be with you all… always.

Goodbye to Legendary JAT, JumpinJedi... -cHoSeN oNe- Apr 09 04:33pm -"I've never been good at writing these kind of things, so i'll make it short and I'm leaving the academy, not just as a JAT, but completely leaving. That means, i'm getting my account closed, so I'm not lured back as I have been the few times i've left. I've made this very difficult decision because JKII has just lost all sense of fun to me
( Not to mention availability to a decent internet connection !). So, this is it ! Goodbye, true believers. Kiltobot, transform !"

Welcome to the new site! -DJ Sith- Apr 16 04:04am As you are hopefully aware of by now we have a new web server. While I hate to break away from I think we'll get a better experience with this new server. This server was built by Huxley and is maintained by him and yours truly. Since we run the show now we can do cool things like have a workable files section, user image uploads, more game server interaction, and MUCH more. The sky's the limit.
If you're logged in click on the My Profile link. At the bottom you should see a section where you can finally upload your own profile pictures. We've added a small blurb to the rules about this. Keep your pictures clean. This is a privelage, not a right. If you upload anything unwholesome you'll get disciplined. Other than that go to town on it.
One other thing that I've added to this site so far is a thumbnail generator for the pages with comments. This script shrinks the profile pics (which had to be shrunk by HTML on the old site.. ghetto) to the right size, so you dialup folk can breathe a little sigh of relief. The downside to this is the thumbnail appear blurred out. I'm working on that one. This will eventually lead to a screenshots section.
I'm sure this change won't be without it's bumps and bruises. I can't make an exact duplicate of the site database, so some comments and forum posts may be lost during the dransition, my apologies for that. If you see anything not right with this new site please please please let me know.
Oh yeah. One more thing. No more popup ads! Goodbye, Gator! Dont let the door hit ya in the butt on the way out!

The Jedi Academy Yearbook -Loaf- Apr 26 04:13pm -
Ok People, who wants a yearbook?

It's all done and dusted, and it took hours to wait on stupid adobe to work, and I just finished uploading the file. Its a pdf file, so you need Adobe Acrobat reader to view it.
Download / View Here ( )
I recommend viewing at 100%, not 185%, Enjoy!
Update by doobie: i've posted this badboy on our server so we don't rape Loaf's Geocities space anymore... Good work Poppy Seed Loaf!

"Who's that? Oh him! I heard he was dead...." -Yun- Apr 27 01:12pm - Well not quite... I've been going back and forth in my mind about leaving the Jedi Academy... But alas, I cannot. But I bring you good news on Jedi Outcast Visual Interface... I will finish it very soon (as in a few weeks) and release it to the Academy. So for thoses who haven't forgotten.. It's coming... oh it's coming...

Anyways, I've been busy with another game I'm editing with... Quake 2... I've been creating a map (3 years in the making) and I hope to finish that soon and be done with it..

Anyways, I am still around... And I plan to actually goto my Open Session classes this week... Sorry, I've been neglecting them.. :\

Version 4 of The Jedi Academy Released! -=Derelict-Crusader=- May 02 03:13pm-
No big speeches, just a run down of what has been changed:
- Glass room has been redesigned to make way for more dueling room, the design is much like the "matrix room" but with a twist. (Old concept from the very first Beta of the JA map.)
- The "Pillar room" has YET AGAIN been redesigned. The lighting in the room is very dim and should make for some very cool saber duels!
- A special area has been added for the JAC and JAT. It can only be reached with the use of teleportation powers through the use of "The Jedi Academy Mod
- The "Pit" or "Plank" room has been slightly modified. Walk-on access has been added and Duel staging lines have also been added. Water received some tweaking too.
- Council room spawn points have been changed in order to prevent player interference.
- 2 more spawn points have been added between the old 2 spawning areas.
- All the buggy area-portals have been fixed. What this means is that the frames are solid everywhere you go!
- A whole new bot-route; the most comprehensive route for the JA yet! (Desann did a lot of running during testing)
- Door closing speeds have been changed in order to preserve FPS, this ties in with “area portals.”
- A lot of other minor level tweaks and details have been done.
- All the observation decks received an extra Shield and Bacta Canister.
Enjoy the latest version!
Download Version 4 ( )

(No real title) -Huxley- May 05 01:50pm -
I would like to announce that our Knight, Chicka has made herself a prominent member of this Academy, and as of today has achieved the rank of Jedi Instructor!
Congrats Chicka!

Oh yeah, I think we forgot something... -massadoobie- May 20 05:04am -Ummm... We just had an anniversary. We turned a year old on May 17th. I can
Captain Barkeep.

This post was edited by Mune on May 23 2003 08:34pm.

< Recent Comments Login and add your comment!  
Jun 11 2003 05:10am

Lian Del Rey
 - Student
 Lian Del Rey


I remember all that. :D

May 30 2003 05:51am

 - Student

i correct myself.THAT IS A $$$$ING LONG LIST!!!!!!
he's a Real nowhere man,Sitting in his Nowhere land.making all his Nowhere plans for nobody

May 27 2003 07:31am

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
 Lord Exar Kun

eeks! I'm so sorry fellas. I seem to forget to check the holocron forum....Anyway, sry again, and I'll collect the answers and post them here. Sry sry sry sry sry.
-Retired april the 19th 2004

May 26 2003 04:24pm

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

Yeah, we know, I bet you go around all day dreaming about that wonderfull /amtele command... :D

Btw, nice work Mune.

May 26 2003 04:12pm

Aeth S'kray
 - Retired
 Aeth S'kray

Well, Exar seems to have forgoten this, so I've posted the questions on the JAK forum. Dont expect answers too fast, we knights are lazy as hell ;)

But by going through the questions, I've realised I missed some of them lol. So i took the previous answers down, until i've edited them ^^

Edit: And here they are, back again :)
Aeth S'kray *June 2002 +September 2003

This comment was edited by Aeth S'kray on May 26 2003 04:36pm.

May 26 2003 11:52am

 - Student

lol Aeth.. nice text:D
~~ Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none! ~~

May 24 2003 05:26pm

Aeth S'kray
 - Retired
 Aeth S'kray

1. How long did it take you to make JAK?
If you mean how long I was a student before I got knight, I honestly don't know. I've joined in june, some months later the rank system was established and well... I think it took me some months to become a knight. Don't know any details anymore.
If you mean how long my actual trial was; it was short. One hour max.

2. How many hours (weeks) did you practice?
Not at all. I was pretty much involved in LAMM (a clan) and got a bit away from the JA. I think it was about the time I've quit LAMM when I just hit the servers and met JJ, Hux and...err... Eclipse there. Without bragging (:D) I was pretty good theese days. Guess my time with LAMM was preperation enough.

3. What is your favorite part of being a JAK?
Uh, that's a nice question. Do you want to make the other students jealous or what? Anyway, the best part in my opinion is the status you get with the rank. You know, all the nice things like having official padawans, teaching classes or having access to the knight forum. And of course you get a lot of respect, which isnt too bad either ;)

4. Why did you WANT to be a JAK in the first place?
Well, look at question 3 and you know why ;) Serious, the academy was a pretty rough place when I became JAK. More lamer were running around than today. The JAKs were a kind of "police force" who had to deal with those guys. I had several ideas myself how to handle those situations and wanted to help cleaning the servers. I've liked the idea of teaching too which I had done with some unofficial paddys before. Oh, and there were of course the Learner and Journeyman trails to do, as some of the older memebers might remember. Those were always a lot of fun (well, at least to us, hehe) and we had whole rituals around them. Did you ever know that SOME teachers and knight were talking about porn while the poor guy had to do his trial? Hehe, enough reasons to become a knight, dont you think?

5. Has your focus changed at all over time?
Well, not in big parts, I think. I'm not as active as I used to, and therefore I dont teach much. I cant do any trials aswell for they do not exist anylonger. My focus now is generally to keep any eye on the server when I'm around and to visit the forum.
Aeth S'kray *June 2002 +September 2003

This comment was edited by Aeth S'kray on May 26 2003 04:35pm.

May 24 2003 01:22pm

 - Student

Oh.. I thought Exar made a thread in the Knight forums...
Aeth, answer please:
How long did it take you to make JAK? How many hours (weeks) did you practice? What is your favorite part of being a JAK? Why did you WANT to be a JAK in the first place, and has your focus changed at all over time?
Captain Barkeep.

This comment was edited by Mune on May 24 2003 01:22pm.

May 24 2003 11:21am

Aeth S'kray
 - Retired
 Aeth S'kray

what about intervies? nobody has asked me so far :(
Aeth S'kray *June 2002 +September 2003

May 24 2003 01:50am

 - Student

thanks Captian Obvious
Brady Brothers: Orion-Greg, Furi0us-Peter, Me-Bobby. Long lost cousin to Flash. Midbie Council #007. Ex-JAK.

May 23 2003 09:32pm

 - Student

this is a VERY long list
he's a Real nowhere man,Sitting in his Nowhere land.making all his Nowhere plans for nobody

May 23 2003 08:36pm

 - Student

Well, this is crap. These posts can only be so long... Converting timeiline into text doc...
Captain Barkeep.

May 22 2003 12:52am

Ruuk Haviser
 - Retired
 Ruuk Haviser

Type them up in a word document and send it to Niten for primary editing at:

Back from the dead...

May 21 2003 09:06pm

 - Student

Where do you want these Q & A's of mine, anyway?:D
Captain Barkeep.

May 20 2003 01:24am

Ruuk Haviser
 - Retired
 Ruuk Haviser

Exar...good idea.

Back from the dead...

May 19 2003 08:26pm

 - Student

Exar, if you could do that, it would be very helpful, otherwise I'd have to track down every former/present knight...:)Thanks!
And, I'll probably start interviewing tomorrow, unless someone else wants to do it, because I have a test that I NEED to study for.:)
Captain Barkeep.

This comment was edited by Mune on May 19 2003 08:33pm.

May 19 2003 08:41am

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
 Lord Exar Kun

when are the interviews done? I see a question from Ruuk to the JAKs :). I could put this question on the JAK forums and collect all the answers...
-Retired april the 19th 2004

May 19 2003 06:08am

 - Hubbub

great. but i don't think the names have to be in there. you can just list them at the end.

who you should interview? well obviously DJ and doobie for most questions. and yes whoever the question is directed to. and the more general questions to anyone with a low profile ID. ;)
make install -not war

This comment was edited by Bubu on May 19 2003 06:08am.

May 19 2003 01:08am

Ruuk Haviser
 - Retired
 Ruuk Haviser

Thanks for your work, Mune.

Back from the dead...

May 18 2003 08:34pm

 - Student

Well, that's a lot of knight's and trainers. Plus, the numerous times JJ tried to leave, but, hey. Might as well, I 'spose.
Bubu- Here's a copy of what I got. Is it good 'nuff?

-Was there a point system from the very beginning of the JA?
-How the hell did you guys start in the first place?! How did you guys meet?
-(To DJ) why did your server die?
-(To Doobie) And, doobie, did you get Aeth that thingy you promised?
-(To the managment) Have you ever been sick of it all and considered closing down the JA?
-How did you made up your names?
-Did you believe in success?
-Who do you think has made the biggest impact on the Academy?
-Did u plan for the jedi academy to get so HUGE, in terms of students?
-What are your long-term plans for the JA?
-How did you guys come up with the idea for the Academy?
-How long did it take from when you 1st came up with the idea 'til it was realized?
-What will be the next big JA thing?
-(Knights) How long did it take you to make JAK? How many hours (weeks) did you practice? What is your favorite part of being a JAK? Why did you WANT to be a JAK in the first place, and has your focus changed at all over time?
-What was your happiest/proudest moment at the JA?
-Do YOU have superiors?
Captain Barkeep.

This comment was edited by Mune on May 19 2003 08:29pm.

May 18 2003 08:32pm

 - Student

lol, i remember all that stuff. try cruising through the news a little more, look for trainer promotions, and council promotions
"this is Icco. Icco is old. Icco is lost. Icco is cool, but Icco doesn't know what the meaning of 'macrophageal sex'." - Vaughn

May 18 2003 06:01pm

 - Student

I'll get right on it.. Stupid Question: Do I need to tell who asked what? Stupid Query #2 Do I need to add ALL of the questions? And possibly not so stupid question: Who exactly am I interviewing? Just whoever the question seems directed to?
Captain Barkeep.

This comment was edited by Mune on May 18 2003 08:32pm.

May 18 2003 07:37am

 - Hubbub

hey mune, i got more work for you.

your mission, should you choose to accept it, will consist of going to the following thread, collecting all the questions into one nice doc, and possibly even start interviewing people. this will be added to the history section along with all your previous work.

Good Luck Agent Mune!
make install -not war

May 18 2003 04:35am

 - Student

As this phase of the Holocron comes to a close, just a reminder. If you can think of ANY significant event that I have left off, PLEASE let me know so I could add them (credit will be given). This is the Holocron, and we should try to make it as complete as possible in the time we are given. Thank you.:)
Captain Barkeep.

Apr 26 2003 08:52pm

Aeth S'kray
 - Retired
 Aeth S'kray

Aeth S'kray *June 2002 +September 2003

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