The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Raine Corvinus Joe "Raine Corvinus" Black

ICQ UIN:  ICQ Status 317928265
Last Comment:  User: Raine Corvinus
Comments Made:  4

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Apr 22 2006 07:16pm

 - Jedi Master

Okay, basically, you do not have a personal teacher or specific classroom of any sort. That isn't how this academy works.

How it works is, anybody who registers here and is accepted as a member is automatically a student. Being an active student of the Jedi Academy, you are not forced to participate in any area of the academy; however, if you would like to learn, there are various classes covering a wide range of different subjects that you are free participate in. Should you click the previous hyperlink, you will be taken to a page showing all classes within the next week. It will provide you with some brief information of each one, such as the class topic, the instructor, and the exact time it will start at. If you are interested in a class, look to the very right of that particular class' table and click the Details hyperlink. You should be taken to a page with further details of the class, such as the server it will be on, the instructor that will be teaching the it, and more detail about what will be going on in the class itself. If you can make the date and time of that class, and you feel it will be able to help you, feel free to click the Enroll in this class! hyperlink. Once you have done this, you will be expected to show up to the class. Please do not enroll if you cannot guarantee your appearance. We understand that everybody can run into urgent problems that require your unexpected assitance, but if you know you're probably not going to be able to show up, then please save a space for somebody else - there is a varying limit to how many can enroll in each class. Remember that most instructors will not mind if you connect to the server to participate without enrolling, as long as you are on time.

If you are wondering how you should go about showing up for the class, all you have to do is connect to the server it will be happening, roughly at the time the class will be starting. If possible, it is recommended that you show up at least 5 minutes early to ensure you are on time.

You can get server details from the servers page provided you are logged in. Just click that hyperlink, then click the name of the server you wish to get information for. Once on the server's detail page, you can grab the Internet Protocol, Port and Password of the server and use them to connect to it. Most of the JK3 servers will require you to have one of the Mods/Extras - the_academy_v2 - a map made specifically for training.

Now, this is not the only way you are able to learn. There is the holocron, full of articles which should provide answers to many of your currently unanswered questions, there are the forums where you can post questions, or even just search, read and find answers to questions that have already been asked, there is an applet you can use to connect to the Jedi Academy's official Internet-Relay Chat channel, and last, but not least, there are the servers - you are free to visit these whenever you wish, unless otherwise instructed by a staff member. Servers such as JK3 Wireplay UK and JK3 Home are general servers that you should be able to play on at any time. Keep in mind that instructors are not the only ones who can help you. Students are welcome to train with eachother and even teach things they may have learned on to one another. Most people will be willing to help you with anything they know, but if they don't want to train with you, don't take it personally or anything, they would probably do it to most others too. Before I finish rambling on about this, I must stress that everybody must follow the rules at all times. They apply to everybody, and if somebody causes you trouble or happens to break these rules, you can try to tell them nicely that they are in the wrong, but do not take things right into your own hands. If they don't stop violating the rules, the best thing you can do is come and find a staff member and tell them what's going on. Details on situations like this can be found here. All staff members are listed on the about page.

Okay, I just need to mention something I didn't manage to fit into my previous paragraph. I would not recommend visiting either of the classes servers unless you are wanting to participate in a particular class. If you are not completely positive of what is happening on a classes servers, there may still be a class going on, and connecting and messing around on it may disrupt the class.

On the subject of classes, I would strongly recommend that you set your timezone on your profile correctly. Remember that the site is already ahead one hour for daylight savings, so by default, everything will show in GMT +1, despite the site saying that all classes are GMT +0 when you are logged out. If you do not set your timezone correctly, classes will not show correctly to you and you may run into problems attending classes on time.

Now I'll explain the forum and posting system. If you want to search for a post, go to the forums' listing page and click the search hyperlink just below the site's menu bars. The page here is pretty specific, except the "userID" part can be a little confusing for somebody. If you want to search for threads that a certain user has made, you should go to the about page, scroll to the bottom and search for that user's profile. Once you find it, hover your cursor over their name and their profile address should appear at the bottom of your browser, usually to the left. At the very end of this address should be: "f_id=*****". Those stars represent a number. This number is the userID that you will need to use to search for posts made by a certain user.

Moving on, if you want to make a post, or search for one manually, you should know exactly what each forum is for. I'll explain:

- Editing Forum - This forum should only contain posts about how to edit files in some way related to Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy or Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. It also tends to hold requests asking people to edit things for them. It's mostly containing things about mapping, modelling, skinning and editing .pk3 files.

- the_academy_v3 - This forum is fully dedicated to the progress of the academy's new map, the_academy_v3. The map is not finished yet, but all suggestions for improvements and questions about its content and its progress should only be posted in this forum.

- Academy Discussion - This forum is dedicated to anything related to The Jedi Academy. It is not a forum to discuss the game, Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, it is a forum to discuss things that are going on within the Jedi Academy itself, such as server activity, class questions and activities going on within the academy. An example of something it is not for, is showing everybody a cool map you found on the internet - that would be for another forum.

- Star Wars Discussion - This forum is pretty obvious. It's to discuss any Star Wars stuff, such as videos of lightsaber duels, announcements from LucasArts and any theories you may want some opinions on.

- General Discussion - This is to discuss anything, mainly things that are not covered by other forums. But you should keep it all serious in this forum, no silly posts.

- Crazy Stuff - This is the forum for jokes, funny stuff and anything that's just plain crazy. The title should make this out pretty clearly though.

- Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Discussion - This forum is to discuss anything related to Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Not necessarily the academy itself, but the game. So this would be the ideal forum to post up cool maps and mods you find on the internet for discussion. Also a good forum to ask any general questions about issues you may be having with JK:JA, such as game errors and gamplay issues, for example.

- Jedi Knight 2 Discussion - This is just the same as the Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy forum, except all posts should be related to Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, and not JK:JA.

- The Holocron Project - This forum is dedicated to the holocron project, the information source I mentioned earlier. Any concerns, questions or suggestions in relation to the project should be posted there.

- Jedi Academy Empire - This forum is dedicated to a modification made for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. It was made in hope of improving the quality of our servers and providing a better system for training. This mod is only server-side, however, so you need not worry about downloading it. Most of its features are ones that you don't see, or ones that you will never use. But if you do have any concerns about the modification running on our servers, feel free to post in this forum.

A lot of people tend to post things in the wrong forums when they aren't sure about how the academy works, so here I decided I would explain each forum to you.

That is pretty much how the academy works. It sure took me a long time to write, but that's not such a concern to me. I've got plenty of time for this stuff. If there is anything else you would like me to explain, let me know.

Oh, and yes, when you post on somebody's profile, usually they will reply back on your own profile.

This comment was edited by Setementor on Apr 22 2006 07:31pm.

Apr 22 2006 03:01pm

Raine Corvinus
 - Student
 Raine Corvinus

hi I have a question,how can know,wich class is my?

I'm not really sure what you mean. Do you think it would be possible for you to rephrase that line for me, and maybe even give a little more detail as to what you mean?

no no I only dont understan this system, I dnot know where is my classroom?who is my teacher? .....
I am sorry for my English and I am sorry for my playing

Apr 21 2006 08:55pm

 - Jedi Master

hi I have a question,how can know,wich class is my?

I'm not really sure what you mean. Do you think it would be possible for you to rephrase that line for me, and maybe even give a little more detail as to what you mean?

Apr 21 2006 08:31pm

Raine Corvinus
 - Student
 Raine Corvinus

thank you all people :D
I am sorry for my English and I am sorry for my playing

This comment was edited by Raine Corvinus on Apr 21 2006 08:31pm.

Apr 21 2006 03:21pm

Sallazar The Serpent
 - Student
 Sallazar The Serpent

Welcome to the Jedi Academy
I looking for Master
(RedStancer) thx all

Apr 20 2006 09:43pm

 - Student

Welcome to the JA:) hope you enjoy your stay. if you have a question feel free to ask me;)

Apr 20 2006 05:28pm

Sho Koon
 - Student
 Sho Koon

Welcome to the Academy! If you would like to drop a comment to someone, you can do it by clicking on their name or avatar and then write the message on their page. :P
Proud owner of Malak's 50th and special 300th, Alex D'Kana's 3600th and 4000th, Laziana's 200th and [Jawa][Obi-Wan][SW]'s 1300th comment.

Apr 20 2006 03:27pm

 - Jedi Knight

Welcome to the Jedi Academy. Feel free to drop me a comment if you need anything. :D

Take care

Apr 20 2006 09:08am

 - Jedi Master

Welcome to the JA. If you need to know anything, feel free to drop me a line. ;)

Have fun!

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