The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
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TJA is ten! Share your experiences here
Apr 17 2012 03:14pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
Alex Dkana
So, May 17th of this year will mark the Tenth Anniversary of The Jedi Academy. You may have already seen or heard of some of the things the Staff have planned to mark this occasion, but it is also a time for looking back.

Whether you are an oldbie who has been here since the dawn of time, or joined years after TJA first opened it's doors (or even only joined recently to play TOR with us :o) we want to hear from you!

Share your stories, anecdotes, screenshots, videos, memories of anything and everything - the good, the bad, and the PINK!

We will be collating some of the choicest recollections into an upcoming series of articles that will be published over Anniversary week.

This place has given us all a lot to talk about over the years, so... who'll go first? :)
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

This post was edited by Alex Dkana on Apr 17 2012 03:15pm.

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May 02 2012 01:50pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

Finalfreak: nice to meet you, and it's good to hear you're enjoying your stay with us. :)

Saz: I couldn't say for sure, but I think so, yes. If I remember correctly, it was a double-elimination tournament and my partner and me had lost our initial round. We had to play an additional game in order to make it to the finale, where we met JK13 and yourself.
The name is Bond. James Bond.

May 02 2012 01:18pm

 - Student

And many, many others. Heck, I was even in that class by SmileyKrazy that SaZabi mentioned. He and JK13 won the Tag Team Tourney, me and my partner were the runner ups.

were you with some guy named hitokiri?
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

May 01 2012 07:04pm

 - Student

I found The Jedi Academy only last year so i'm a new person to all of you! I joined in August last year when the guild recruitment was going on and i stumbled across the Guild in the list and i liked the look and everyone seemed nice and i'm glad i found them cause they made me feel so welcome and i'd never switch guild cause i'm right at home with you guys :)

Apr 27 2012 05:51pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

I love trips down memory lane.

A friend of mine, Spookey (who is also a member here) got me interested in JK:JA. We were doing some project for school at his place and when we were done, we played JK:JA via LAN at his place. I got hooked and soon after had the game myself.

I first joined a public FFA server with a JA+ mod. It was MP/FFA3, the Tatooine map. I noticed I was player #1234567890... or someting, thinking, wow, there are many players in this game. Heh. I noticed my nickname being 'Padawan', which made sense to me as a default name. I changed it, but not to Dash Starlight, as I only used that name later and stuck with it. I did use yellow right from the start.

I spent my initial few months mostly on the Hellmouth and Angel HQ servers where friends of mine played and that's where I met Dami3n and Carrock amongst many others. Then at one point I met someone nicknamed 'Padawan' on TLC, who turned out to be Jaina D'Kana. She directed me to the Jedi Academy as I told her I liked her yellow style and that I was interested in learning more.

I was amazed when I discovered this place. People were friendly, helpful and generally skilled to very skilled players. People told me back then my attitude stood out as I was 'nice', but hey, it's easy to be nice in such a friendly community.

My first class ever was KaTaN's, which was a lot of fun. I participated in many others as well over the years, including:
- PlooKoon's Basic and Advanced Red Stance classes (yes red! :P);
- PlooKoon and Lancer's Single vs. Duals/Staff;
- Virtue's Basic Medium Stance and Advanced Medium Stance;
- Luke's Lightsaber Training (advanced yellow) class;
- Leif's Hybrid Stance class.
And many, many others. Heck, I was even in that class by SmileyKrazy that SaZabi mentioned. He and JK13 won the Tag Team Tourney, me and my partner were the runner ups. I remember it was a VERY good final. Good games, guys. :)

I remember teaming up with Kenny Jowol and Majno as training partners. We'd practise what we had learned together, giving each other feedback and talking things through. That really helped me understand things better. What also helped, was the training I got from so many friends here: PlooKoon, Lancer007, illian D'Kana, Jaiko D'Kana, Jaina D'Kana, Virtue, Dacascos, JK13, Carda and many others.

Virtue took me under his wing as a Padawan and started helping me out with yellow, movement, force usage and basic gunning. Following the purge, I was toggled in the first batch of trialees and happened to become the first JAK after the purge. ('Happened', because it could really have been anyone from that batch.)

So yeah, then I got to focus on teaching and helping people out in their development, although I was still in the process of learning myself as well. (A process which *should* never end as long as one plays in my opinion.) I assisted classes, took on padawans and even got to cover a few classs. That was a lot of fun. I continued playing on public servers, such as Hellmouth, the Angels HQ, NJO and JLG, but also (base) public duel servers. The latter I played on, because people used styles which were rare inside the JA, but I felt I should be able to handle also. Experience isn't just playing a long time - it's also playing the widest variety of styles possible.

I was promoted to the rank of JAT a little over half a year of holding the JAK rank. This was great, because it gave me the opportunity to teach classes and additional admin abilities - all tools to be able to give back to this community more than before. I organized the Fifth Anniversary Tournament in honor of the JA's 5th year of existence. It was a JK:JO tourney won by Kain. Congrats! :D

I became a JAM after that. Sete and my accounts were closed as a joke, which caused some stirr here inside the JA. In the end no harm was done though. I remember people standing up for me, which I very much appreciate even today. Shows who your friends are. I retired during the summer of 2010 and became a JA Radio DJ. I hold a 'classic rock 'n roll show' called 'The Jukebox' whenever people are on and I feel like DJing. I wish I could say I'm still an active member, but I have barely played the game in months. I'm currently focussing on the Mass Effect games... it feels like I'm moving on. Although, I'll always come back to this game once in a while if I feel like it. And I certainly would never leave this community. :)

All in all, it has been a great run through the years. I came here to learn some yellow and found a great community with a special atmosphere, friendly people and a lot of knowledge and skills. I've had loads of fun here and I intent to continue to have fun. Thanks for all the memories, people!
The name is Bond. James Bond.

This comment was edited by Dash Starlight on Apr 27 2012 06:02pm.

Apr 27 2012 02:37pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

Keep them coming guys, this is really good stuff. :)

Edit: If you have anyone on a contacts list who perhaps was previously active around here but not so much anymore and may be interested in sharing their stories do throw them a link to this thread!
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

This comment was edited by Alex Dkana on Apr 27 2012 02:38pm.

Apr 27 2012 01:27pm

Rahn del Sol
 - Student
 Rahn del Sol

I was never really involved in the "educational" aspect of TJA. I did a class here and there, but ultimately it just wasn't for me.

Back when I played a lot of JO, this was just the best place to hang out and take part in some multiplayer action. Good players, good community, and not so serious that you couldn't have some silly fun every now and then.

I didn't spend as much time in JA as I did in JO, and I've drifted away from being a regular participant here - but the fact that I joined pretty much right around the start and STILL check in every so often says a lot about what TJA and its people have built.

Apr 27 2012 11:48am

 - Student

thought a little more about TJA and i remembered a few things.

when i joined i was so impressed with everything. so many great people - TJA families, staff members and some newer people who were talented enough to later on become members of the staff as well. ofcourse im talking about rising stars such as Dash or Masta in this case. there were others, but i was always puzzled how they disappeared and never came back.
still all those groups of people kinda radiated a sort of atmosphere that couldnt be made overnight. me and many other newbs surely wanted to be part of all that.

about a month in i participated in smileykrazy's tag team duels class. well i loved that particular class. me a complete newb paired with JK13. we won. damn i was happy. happy over a video game... as many games as i played in my life that was still a unique experience.

speaking of tourneys... ofcourse i cant forget the cage of death one. still surprises me how i managed to won that one with great players such as rd2d and masta in the final matches. blatant luck lol.

learning... like some others i didnt have a master. i mean who would have taken such a chaotic rodian like me as a paddy? so i learned from everyone. i remember this particular session where jk13 and sauce enlightened me about secrets of wiggleless poke and glide delays. armed with these new tools that no other newb knew i owned the hell out of every newb. i thought i was good... for a while atleast... untill getting owned by Jaina D'kana for a millionth time.

the whole vladarion thing. as much as it confuses me now rather than makes me sad... i feel that it had great effect on the academy. a sort of humanly respect going around which when you think about it now is quite a rare thing these days. the whole 'omfg noob u sux0r' kind of communities in most games. so as much as vladarion is now some kind of fictional bastard figure i dont think academy would have been the same without that element. speaking of mysterious figures... doobie lol?

hmmm controversial things... i remembered Tido. for a newbie like me he was such a great example. *this* was a jedi knight i thought. cool overall guy and pretty damn skilled as well. when he was banned for reasons i cant remember atm it confused the hell out of me.

PURPLE! a massive conversion to Virtue's religion. not only cyan *pink* names, but yellow stancers everythere... Majno delivering quality avatars for the whole community.. AT ALL TIMES!

so much personal stuff. me getting in trouble like every month with many members here. now when i think about it, im surprised i wasnt banned. drama, drama and more drama. on the other side i still remember long talks with many members here... chatroom inside a video game eh. cant remember how many times Tigerclaw talked about his bike crashes. so many conversations here and over msn (lol we still used that one back then) about many personal stuff, meaning of life lol... hmm...

and ofcourse i cant forget my attempts to teach. pretty sure most of those failed, but i think i helped one individual in his early days. i am obviously talking about Piccolo (now Vision). i lamed the hell out of him everythere and all the time. if he was afk or not i still lamed him. during teachings? ofcourse. these abusive lessons turned out to improve his reflexes to a point where i couldnt lame him at all. in the end he became a jedi knight and an active member of jaa... while i stayed a noob... forever. lol
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

This comment was edited by SaZ on Apr 27 2012 12:19pm.

Apr 26 2012 07:00pm

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

Seeing as Laz and Sete put actual effort in then I figure so should I.

I found this site back in 2004 but I forget what I was looking for. I was 15 (16?) at the time and the idea of a large community focused on a game I was already in love with appealed to me greatly. I informed my closest friend, who became known as Ris Win Juljul, and we joined together.

We pretty much did everything together at TJA from then on. We came home, we rang each other and got on the server. We went to classes together and partnered up to learn all the different styles, techniques and skills that we could. Then we'd go to school the next day and chat about everything that happened. Not long after one or two of my other school friends joined (Ben Oss and my then gf, Emm Son).

The first people I remember calling true friends here were Gradius, Leweroo and Squibit. I eventually got to know Jaiko (and even met him a couple of times in RL as he lived close) and literally tens maybe hundreds of others over my long period of in-and-out activity.

Some of my strongest memories are from joining the Knights of Nippledom and my, clumsily executed, hunt for a "Trainer". I initially learned a lot from Squibit and Jaiko as well as a lot of practice with Ris. Between the two of us we managed an insane grasp on the basics of patience and timing. A skill I doubt I will ever truly lose.

As with most other geeky teenagers, I didn't have an amazing time during High School so knowing I had this place to come home to was always special. It was like a mass collection of friends who didn't judge, were always nice and were interested in the same things as me. It was the best form of escapism.

Oh yeah, and Ris and I eventually became added to Virtue's Padawan collection shelf. I'm still refusing to use a purple (pink) lightsaber, though.
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

This comment was edited by Mic Den Octela on Apr 26 2012 07:01pm.

Apr 26 2012 10:27am

 - Jedi Instructor

Memories, eh? Let me see...

I joined on October 8th in 2006. My first class was basic medium stance held by Dash who let Ken as a JAK at that time hold the class and just jump in to assist.

It was amazing to see such a warmhearted and friendly community who welcomed and accepted me with open arms. Everyone was so nice and helpful from day one and it definitely influenced part of my character.

Next on the old memory list is joining right into the Thanksgiving Invitational Tourney 2006 to meet my demise in the first round against Masta. I think it was 1-6 if I remember correclty, but 1 only because Masta accidentally pressed a bind for killing himself during the duel if I remember correctly and didn't want to repeat that round (how noble to give the n00b a point, hehehe). I believe to remember that ultimately Sauce won that tourney, but I could be wrong.

At that time I had the honor to speak and train a little bit with Dante Valmont before he went AWOL and ultimately, yeah, you know :/

Also at that time I remember Dacascos training alot with me, showing me alot of things I never thought off, etc. This was a real fun time, because every single session was like a discovery of new land. I am sure everyone can relate to their beginnings were exploring a certain combo for the first time had that "wow" factor to it :)

In February 2007 a certain Elvis impersonator, going by the name of Dash Starlight, was daring enough to take me on as his padawan and thus introducing me into all the unwritten codes of the vernacularly called "Purple-Cyans"... which I can't remember because I like beer.

Anyways, from that point onward everything went pretty fast, Knighthood on April 28th, 2007 - Trainer somewhen in September of that year and picking up Maher as Padawan along the way, whom I must say is alot more controlled since I got him stuck to the right pills :)

After that, I guess other memories are the all the trip mine fun I had on several occations on the servers, as well as activities like the Prom 2008 and other Thanksgiving tournaments, as well as yours truly hosting two Tag Team Tournaments.

I would like to thank so many people that I met over the years, but the list would be so long and I am sure the list would have a considerable ammount of missing entries due to me forgetting to put them in. So I rather just say thank you all for a wonderful five-and-a-half years so far and I hope for many, many more to come :)
Proud owner of Buster Senatu's 200th & 300th, Muro's 370th, Maher's 2100th, Henkes' 1639th, Johauna's 400th, 666th and 900th, Sho Koon's 2000th and Kain Sol's 600th comment Download Laziana's lightsaber here! Glory to Arstozka!

Apr 26 2012 07:54am

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

Yeah, me too. If you didn't stick around, you may not have informed me about the existence of The Jedi Academy back in 2004. I might never have become a member and I would probably have stopped playing within a year from when I started (August, 2004).

It's funny how little details can have large concequences.
The name is Bond. James Bond.

Apr 25 2012 10:16pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

The first time I joined the server I never even left spectator mode :P Someone (I can't remember who) told me I wasn't allowed to use the name Jaina, because someone else already had the name. They demanded that I tell them what name I used on the site. I said Jaina, but they didn't believe me so I left. I don't know why I came back.

Well, I'm glad you did. :D
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Apr 25 2012 07:54pm

Jaina D'Kana
 - Jedi Instructor
 Jaina D'Kana

The first time I joined the server I never even left spectator mode :P Someone (I can't remember who) told me I wasn't allowed to use the name Jaina, because someone else already had the name. They demanded that I tell them what name I used on the site. I said Jaina, but they didn't believe me so I left. I don't know why I came back.

Apr 21 2012 05:03pm

 - Student

I joined when I was 9 or 10 sometime around 2003 or 2004. I'm 17 now and, looking back, TJA was probably the best influence in my life back then. I moved with my mom between 20 houses in 5 years and the only constant was being able to set up my old PC and join the server to have some fun. I probably annoyed many people and I'm thankful for the patience that was shown to me.

No kidding. :P And you joined in May 2004, a few months after me.

I was secretly hoping nobody would remember :P

In 2006, I became a JAT and started teaching classes. It was very hard for me then, because I was suffering from celiac disease, which made me extremely malnourished and unhealthy and I had a lot of deficiency symptoms as a result. I was arrogant (ie. on exploits), nervous (but not underconfident), even weak as a result and had terrible sleep patterns.

I was diagnosed with a gluten allergy about a year ago. Turns out, I've had it my whole life so I know how ya' feel there.

This comment was edited by gerbilOFdoom on Apr 21 2012 05:05pm.

Apr 21 2012 04:09pm

 - Jedi Master

I joined when I was 9 or 10 sometime around 2003 or 2004. I'm 17 now and, looking back, TJA was probably the best influence in my life back then. I moved with my mom between 20 houses in 5 years and the only constant was being able to set up my old PC and join the server to have some fun. I probably annoyed many people and I'm thankful for the patience that was shown to me.

No kidding. :P And you joined in May 2004, a few months after me.

Apr 21 2012 03:58pm

 - Jedi Master

Long story, since I've been here for 8 years... some of it good, some of it a bit disturbing... but I think I have a lot of good lessons embedded in my story. :)

I started playing JK2 in 2002 and played online and with rl friends on a LAN, and heard things about the academy and even mentioned it on forums. I got JKA two days after it was released, but stopped playing much and did modding instead because the lag of dialup was becoming too bad for me. I never really bothered to join up until 2004, which is when I got broadband in my area. I think it was mainly the new website that prompted me to join - before it was all dark and hard to make anything out, and when there was a new website in early 2004, everything looked bright and simple and I decided to join up. I was pretty excited, but I was very young. I think I was about 11 or 12. I'm 20 now.

I signed up for every single class! I couldn't make one of them because it was late at night, so the instructor said to stay up... well I was young and diciplined and had never stayed up beyond 12pm before (unless I was stuck out late with parents). But anyway, I tried it. Some of my first classes were FaDed's class and also Fizz's bootcamp class, which I enjoyed a lot.

The servers were packed 24/7, so I used the opportunity of a school half-term to join lots of classes and play on the servers and I met a lot of people. I was pretty immature to be honest. I loved to help people, but I was a bit inconsiderate and did something that I thought was fun, but that would annoy admins and players a lot. When someone told me how inconsiderate I had been and made me realise how it would affect other people, I realised that I didn't like how inconsiderate I had been and I think that changed me a lot and made me a better person. The respectful and friendly environment also was quite inspiring, since my schools weren't particularly the most friendly/respectful places on earth.

I learned all about the game and its various aspects, from almost everybody. I had no single teacher, no single biggest influence - everyone was my teacher. While Wolfwood took me on as a padawan and taught me things, he became too busy for it and it remains true that I've had no single biggest teacher, and everything I've learned has been from EVERYONE.

When I started at the JA, I used a joypad with dual sabers and quickly realised that I needed to start using the keyboard. After a while, I switched to using staff and then eventually to using single sabered red stance, like I did in JK2. I didn't really learn Yellow until 2005, when Virtue started up that big buzz about Yellow stance and I was essentially forced to learn it in order to compete in duels.

In 2004, I got involved in a JA movie project for a while, which, like all the others, didn't really go anywhere. I also got really into IRC and learned scripting and really scripted out my IRC client. Later on in the year, there were some classes for C++ and I started learning that a bit. I also made friends with Gradius, and played on his server a lot and he became a JAK. I think the JA improved him a lot too.

In late 2004, I got involved with the Student Introduction Program and ran that with Bail, Squibit and Kow. It was a really great program, but far too much work after a while and we all got inactive as a result, except me. I couldn't possibly have ran it all by myself, so the project ceased in early 2005 around the time of the purge.

I'd fallen ill with a very bad condition in late 2004 and was at home more as a result, so I had a lot of time. I joined the Aurochs and had a lot of fun with them, and became a JAK around the same time. Oddly, my computer broke down right in the middle of my JAK trial, but it was probably just as well that I got a new, faster computer.

My first time as a JAK, I made a big mistake and was bias. A student told me that someone had been causing them trouble. This person was someone I considered a friend, so I either asked this friend what was up or I just dismissed what the student had to say altogether and assumed my friend was the one in the right. I didn't realise it until a few weeks later, when we received a complaint about it, that I had been bias. I realised that the person whom I considered a friend, was in fact trouble and the next time I dealt with them, I got both sides of the story and was very objective. I learned that there are no friends in this kind of work, only facts.

This changed me MASSIVELY. I became extremely open minded about absolutely everything. That's why I started "sitting on the wall" as some like to put it. That's why I'm so objective and open minded. I just had to completely rethink the way I thought about things. I consider this a great strength. It doesn't make me indecisive in the slightest, because once I've considered all options open mindedly and made a decision, I stick to it and stand by it.

There was a heck of a lot of drama as a JAK. I assisted classes, diciplined people everywhere, on IRC, the servers, the forums and everywhere else and the JA seemed to have a lot of enemies (particularly because of the stance on "exploits" and also from previously banned members). The staff all worked extremely well together, and were all very open minded about everything. Despite common belief, I don't know many people who would have given more chances to troublemakers than the staff back then did. :D

In 2006, I became a JAT and started teaching classes. It was very hard for me then, because I was suffering from celiac disease, which made me extremely malnourished and unhealthy and I had a lot of deficiency symptoms as a result. I was arrogant (ie. on exploits), nervous (but not underconfident), even weak as a result and had terrible sleep patterns. Despite that, I had the willpower to run lots of classes and things and help countless hundreds of people. My condition caused me to fall out with some of the Aurochs due to arrogance as well as some others and my state of difficulty probably caused me to do some bad things that I regret.

Around this time, I joined a secret mapping project and learned a lot about modding from it. At some point, I was producing terrible and confusing sentences sometimes, so I tried to pick up how to write simple and concise sentences from Virtue. :D

In late 2006, I discovered I had this condition and I started to recover, but it was a huge road and I went through a lot of stuff. I think from the day I'd started treating my condition I was already a lot better and wasn't so arrogant anymore (ie. on exploits). But I continued to teach my classes, despite things like nervousness and fatigue being caused by my lack of nutrition. Despite all this though, I never really stopped contributing to the JA as much as possible.

In 2008, things were a lot better for me and I joined Virtue's MBU community and had a lot of fun there. The JA hasn't been that active since then, but I've tried to be around IRC and check the site regularly, and tried to get things moving for important events (ie. activity, TOR, Anniversary, etc).

Apr 21 2012 02:50pm

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

I joined when I was 9 or 10 sometime around 2003 or 2004. I'm 17 now and, looking back, TJA was probably the best influence in my life back then. I moved with my mom between 20 houses in 5 years and the only constant was being able to set up my old PC and join the server to have some fun. I probably annoyed many people and I'm thankful for the patience that was shown to me.

Now, once I get a steady source of income, I'm going to buy myself some SW:TOR :D

I remember.
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

Apr 21 2012 02:49pm

Mic Den Octela
 - Student
 Mic Den Octela

I posted a thread a few days ago with some of the stuff I dug up. I've got loads of in-game demo recordings as well. I could fraps one or two and give you those, too.
-Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown)

Apr 21 2012 02:18pm

 - Student

i remember playing on a server while listening to JA radio. motrec was on the show and talked about people on the server.
-Sazabi, im gonna steal your soul!
that voice haunts me to this day.

i played with countless people... so many great people. new people came in, old people disappeared. <insert most famous bladerunner monologue here>
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

This comment was edited by SaZ on Apr 21 2012 02:23pm.

Apr 21 2012 04:15am

 - Retired

I joined way back in 2003, when I started in college, and now I'm a grizzled industry vet working for the studio who made the two games this community was created around. :)

I have fond memories of late nights on the server hanging out with various people, playing various versions of the JA Maps created by Virtue. I still love v2! I spent a lot of time dueling with Hardwired and Virtue. And Virtue you are a cheating SOB! WINNING THAT DUEL IN SUCH A LAME WAY!
When a Man lies he murder's some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men misscall there lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home? -Cliff Burton Owner of Smily's 1900th comment | <Lady_Catherine> i love your sexy white socks! | (Lady_Catherine) i adore u! | (Lady_Catherine) onion (Lady_Catherine) i lub u

This comment was edited by Orion on Apr 21 2012 04:16am.

Apr 21 2012 12:37am

 - Student

I joined when I was 9 or 10 sometime around 2003 or 2004. I'm 17 now and, looking back, TJA was probably the best influence in my life back then. I moved with my mom between 20 houses in 5 years and the only constant was being able to set up my old PC and join the server to have some fun. I probably annoyed many people and I'm thankful for the patience that was shown to me.

Now, once I get a steady source of income, I'm going to buy myself some SW:TOR :D

Apr 20 2012 07:49pm

Mister Clutch
 - Student
 Mister Clutch

1.Fragging Sazabi
2.Getting teamkilled 10 times a round by Vision
3.The first esl ctf ladder with the JAA! (We played two matches before everybody rq'ed because Jax's and Awb's team was to powerfull :<;)

4.Laming Lok

This comment was edited by Mister Clutch on Apr 20 2012 07:50pm.

Apr 20 2012 06:52pm

 - Jedi Council

I've got one hell of a history with this place.

I was 15 when I joined, around August of 2002, and this place was a big part of my life during my late teens for a number of reasons.

I didn't have the best upbringing, and as a consequence I wasn't exactly a model member of the Academy, and I did a lot of stupid things, but as a testament to the amazing community we have at the JA, I was treated with kindness and patience no matter how awful my behaviour was.

Some of my favourite memories were as simple as logging into the server at night and hanging out with everyone on a packed server. We got up to all kinds of silly shenanigans back in the day. :D

I also have very fond memories of training with T. Siduro, aka Carve - I was never an amazing duelist in JKA, but I was good enough to be competitive, and that is entirely thanks to Carve and the hours he spent teaching me the tricks of the trade!

I'm incredibly proud to be in a position to help run the JA now. While things aren't quite as lively as they were a few years ago, I feel as though we're on the brink of a resurgence in the "SWTOR era" and can't wait to see what the next ten years have in store for us. :)

Apr 18 2012 09:55pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

Ah, that reminds me of my joining and first class, heh. I remember it was on a Sunday, which was only 1 day after I signed up. (My account was activated rapidly.) I joined KaTaN's class: Way Of The KaTaN and he taught us about a basic red combo: right - right - forward+right. We had to do it while walking, as it was easier to control. I remember asking him afterwards how and when to use that move. He told me to just try it out and attack people with it. Good times, man, good times. :)

It's funny. I have some pretty vivid memories of classes I attended to, even though they took place many years ago. Anyone remember PlooKoon's red stance classes (beginner and advanced) and Virtue's Basic Medium Stance for example?
The name is Bond. James Bond.

This comment was edited by Dash Starlight on Apr 18 2012 10:07pm.

Apr 17 2012 11:54pm

 - Staff

My first class was Flash's beginner red stance class. Learned a good bit and got some pretty good advice on how to do basic aerials. I always enjoyed the Tauntaun / speeder jousts on the older JA map (v2?) inside the large room within the temple.
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Apr 17 2012 04:59pm

 - Jedi Council

80% of my experiences with jka and tja can be read about here and here. It sums it up pretty well, but I do remember how awesome classes used to be - not necessarily the ones that almost exclusively focused on theory (sit still and read), but a lot of the old classes were great fun. Even Janus' introductory class to staffing was excellent because of how it was organized and how many people would join.
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Married to Kain.

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