The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

The comment box. -DJ Sith - Sep 04 10:28pm

We've been alive and kicking for almost 1.25 years now and have grown a wonderful community from scratch. We are, however, still a school. I don't get much feedback anymore in that respect. Has everyone learned everything there is to know in Jedi Outcast? How are your classes going? Teachers, how are the students doing? What do you like and dislike about the school? Please comment on this post. If you want you can email me if you don't want to say in public. Don't worry. I have a thick skin and can take whatever criticisms you may have. We're preparing for the new game release (13 days!) and I want to make sure we've got all our ducks in a row (and swimming in the water fal de-dal de-del doh)!

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Sep 05 2003 08:58am

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

The JA is the damn best community I've ever been in. AND, as a bonus, it has improved my skills like hell.

But if you want criticism then I'm sure I can dig something up, just give me a couple of days.


Sep 05 2003 08:32am

 - Student

The JA p*wns!!!

and why does it p*wn??? Bcuz it's not only a academy, people are having fun here, can discuss RL things, can discuss things about other games.

and all of that makes the jedi academy the best gaming community in tha world!!!
Quote: Curious, Smartass, what else?

Sep 05 2003 07:59am

 - Ex-Student

the JA really does pwn ass hard... When i came here i just knew the basics of JK2, i didn't know any mapping or skinning...

i've learned many things here...

keep that academy going man! It's worth it... Never seen such a bad-ass academy...

and we do have a lot o'member don't we?

* JA F0R3V3R *
Your friends of today, are your enemies of tomorrow.

This comment was edited by _cmad_ on Sep 05 2003 08:00am.

Sep 05 2003 07:24am

Fizz of Belouve
 - Student
 Fizz of Belouve

well, ruuk surely made a point with that introduction thingy.

if u dont already know anyone within the JA, u can be pretty lost....

there's gotta be done something especially with the tons of new students....
One of the Belouve boys, founder of the mighty FiZZsters
Midbie council #20 - Fizz - #1933 - Jan '03 - Aug '04

"Renfield, you idiot!"

Sep 05 2003 07:22am

 - Academy Pimp

Ruuk 2 things 1) im allergic to punctuation. 2)Nice work advertising the Holocron :P

Now to my thoughts.

1)Ulic has a tremedous point, that we are maintaining, but it soon is going to change with the release of JK:JA. We going from knowledgable, uber skilled people, to total/partial NOOBS! I know myself that once classes get underway, ill be all over them. The urge to learn will be back in full swing and the server will be populated as ever. NEXT

2)I love the big brother/sister idea, when i 1st came here i would have appreciated that. Its also a easier way to meet ppl(I volunteer).NEXT

3) Even tho Ruuk already spammed Holocron a thousand times, i think i have 2 reiterate Holocron is a great tool for new students especially with a new game like JK:JA which will attact more people.NEXT

4)err there is no SMILY RULES!!!
Come on now, every Generation X boy wanted to be Luke Skywalker. Is it because he was a whiney farm boy from some backwater hack planet? No, it's because he was a FREAKING JEDI. He could block lasers with his lightsaber. He could levitate droids & rocks & crap with his mind. Come on, he choked two pig dudes with just a simple gesture. He cut off Darth Vader's hand and kicked him down a flight of stairs. He got his @$$ zapped by lightning from the geezer Emperor, stood up and said "s'at all you got b!tc#??"

This comment was edited by JP on Sep 05 2003 07:24am.

Sep 05 2003 07:06am

 - Student

i'm gonna hold you to that promise Whisper.

Sep 05 2003 06:50am

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

yes i think things are going great,classes,teachers and students!

All the ducks are swimming in the water Lad-le-dal-le-lah-laa! :cool:
Free Tibet!
Click this link,and learn
Here too

Sep 05 2003 05:46am

Silent Whisper
 - Retired
 Silent Whisper

I love this stuff. Keep it up guys! I take what Ulic said to heart. Hell, if you want us to step up to the plate, we're gonna hit a home run dammit! I agree this place can be more and it will be. Promise. Guaranteed or your money back. Everyone's faith in this place will make sure it gets better. Take care everyone!

"I have learned from Vergere only that there is no such thing as sides of the Force....for the side is merely a reflection of your intentions of the Force. Use it in hate, and it will be hate. Use it offensively in good, and you will find my Truth." -Jacen Solo, "Traitor", New Jedi Order

Sep 05 2003 04:06am

JK13 /// jaws.
 - Student
 JK13 /// jaws.

First, is it me or are the comments in this new all of asudden getting longer?
Second, I love what rauk said , especially about the text books for classes, GET ON THAT JATS! but on the history class, i think the holocron is cool, but it could be arranged in a class so people could learn it first hand and it would be more fun. It would be a fun class for people to chill out but learn somthing at the same time. Just as a class is less effective w/o a textbook. a textbook is less effective w/o a class.
It's a false hologram, it IS artificial...

Sep 05 2003 03:53am

Ruuk Haviser
 - Retired
 Ruuk Haviser

Criticism- Jedi Prodigy needs to learn how to use punctuation. ;)

I appreciate the first part of what Darth Chaos has said. I actually offered J. Prod my advice and consul if he ever needed it...he's a new freshman in college, and I've been through graduate school. If there is another time that someone needs advice, I don't know when it would be!!! I've also been a sort of advisor to a couple other students, and it is kinda cool to help out in this way.

On DC's other point: I don't think a class on JA history is necessary. The Holocron provides all anyone would want to know on this subject. Unnecessary, from my point of view.

Good parts of JA- I agree with many below. This is my first foray into an online community, and have been quite amazed by the similarities with RL. Although it is sometimes hard to understand one another (even if we DO use emotes), we mostly get along quite well...and, I've found, I have really gotten used to "talking" to people via posts. A nice community because we minimize the ranting and raving that goes on in other areas of the electronic world.

Parts to work on (those who know me will have been expecting me to be one of the first to do this):


Halendor and Exar will be working on this as part of the Holocron project. The idea is to try and answer any question that any new person could possibly come up with BEFORE they come on the site and start posting questions about...say, how to get on the server (which I did), how to get a master (which I did), etc. Many of the things in the FAQ are good, but they don't go far enough. Everything make sense to US...the peeps already IN the JA, but when you are inside too forget some of the little teeny weeny parts of the issues. Sometimes people need their hands held. This will hopefully be addressed soon by my Staff.


This will actually be done soon as the new JA site is upgraded to make way for...uh...JA. (This is so strange. I'm starting to wish they called it by a different name.)


I would like to see the Holocron used by more members of the academy in their studies and practice.

This thing is supposed to HELP everyone better understand what they need to do to grow as a student. If there is anything there that you feel should be added, please let us know. If there is anything that you feel should be improved on...we need to know that too. It's supposed to be YOUR written material from which you can draw on. If it is not serving your needs, well, tell us. Let us know how we can improve it. The Holocron staff is having a meeting this Sunday to plan for the future. If you have comments and constructive criticism, we'd certainly love to hear from you. Please go to the following to do so:


This place is supposed to train us all in how to get better at the game. We have classes to help us in this fashion. However...when I came here, I noticed that we didn't have anything written down. This, to me, was a cause for concern. We're supposed to learn all this stuff...but we're just supposed to memorize it? Why aren't the key points of things put down in stone somewhere? We have textbooks AND lecture at school for a you can go back to your text for a refresher. That's the main reason why the Holocron was constructed. Hence, I'll throw a call out there: could the JAT's provide written material describing exactly what they discuss/teach in their classes? I'll explain: if the JAT's teach their classes, they must have a basic understanding/framework of what they are teaching, why, where it comes from, pluses and minuses of each tactic, etc., etc., etc. Could we get these written down? Yes, it would be best to come to the class and learn firsthand. I'm not saying we shouldn't do that. But, if a student has the basic ideas in front of him/her, and has been working on them a little prior to the class, he/she could get more out of it instead of coming in blind. Let me know what you all think.


This is already being worked on, but I think it could be better. The new students are now being sent, with their acceptance letter, a hyperlink to the Holocron. Inside this thing is a tremendous amount of information that would be VERY useful to the newbie prior to getting on the forums and online. However, I have another idea. Why don't we have a sort of big brother/big sister program started? Each newbie could be assigned to an active, willing JA member for a couple least to just get their feet wet. They don't have to remain hooked up I said, maybe just a few days. We could add a post where people could volunteer to do this, and the upper management could rotate the new peeps in among the volunteers. ALSO: we've been concerned about the number of new people coming into the JA. I don't think this will be a problem. The new game will bring 'em back in. And how. SO...I suggest we use this new BB/BS program as a recruiting tool. As a way to "calm pre-newbie fears" about joining JA. Meaning, some people (laugh if you must!) are too shy to try entering something like what we have here. If we put up on our site that we have this as our standard operating procedure, we may bring in more peeps that need hand-holding. Once they get in here, we rip 'em apart, but until then...JUST KIDDING!

Ok, can't think of anything more right now. But that's enough to chew on. Let me know what you all think either via the Holocron forum, or

Carry on.

Back from the dead...

This comment was edited by Ruuk Haviser on Sep 05 2003 04:00am.

Sep 05 2003 03:46am

 - Hubbub

all the ducks are swimming in the water... lalalala... where is this from? i know it but forgot where i heard it :P

anywho, i love democracy. i love how you people always seek everyone's opinions. i think that is what makes this place so good. it's that it's made for the students, by the students. i know massa is thinking "hell no! i'm the supreme power here"... well yeah, but no... lol

anyway, i don't know what i'm trying to say. criticism? well... only towards myself. i need to be more active. i wish time could be bought.

be back soon.. gotta recharge my time card ;)
make install -not war

Sep 05 2003 03:44am

Ulic Belouve
 - Student
 Ulic Belouve

So you want criticism? I can do that to you guys.

But seriously, I'll let out something I only let a few members know:

All the complaining I'd make about the Council, is because I think that this place is so high-quality, and has potential. It's like the ultra-shiny armor, and I complain when someone spills ketchup on it. And you guys say "stop your bitching, it's only ketchup!"

But you see my point. You let a ketchup stain slide, then mustard, and pretty soon we're a walking footlong. And that ain't good at all. So you say "the other servers and groups are walking footlongs, we're still much better than them"

But I'll throw in my complaints right at the ketchup stain. And get that armor to be less-than-uber-shiny, and I'll bring that up too.

But I think my bad complaints are about, from what I see, lack of (motivation for) improvement, on the whole. Really, I see people "maintaining" and not "improving". WE like to stay at that "certain level", and only whack it back into shape if it starts to bug us. And some people simply aren't bugged by some degradations.

So back to the armor bit...some of us are happy that we are "shiny steel armor". Hey, we're polished, we look nice, can't get much better, huh? We're more than presentable and respectable.

But what about, like "shiny titanium armor"? See? You can get better. And I think it's great that we have some that move us to new standards.

So boiled down....lack of a passion for evolution. And I think that is more a leader thing than a student thing. The students try to be better, try to act better, and probably grow in various other things too. But I don't see leaders saying "this is good, but how gan we make it better?" I see leaders saying "It's good enough, stop complaining"

So how do we make it better? Hey, be creative. You don't have to MAKE it better, you just have to be TRYING.

So there's my rant. You want me to complain more, I'm sure I can scrounge things up. But this will give more of an idea.

And I don't complain 'cuz I hate you guys, I just want to stop the ketchup from ruining the finish.
Jedi do not fight for peace. That's only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace.

Sep 05 2003 01:37am

JK13 /// jaws.
 - Student
 JK13 /// jaws.

I am in complete agreement with all the people who posted to praise the academy and also kiss some butt. Although, I do have some conscructive thought to add. I am here not to critize the academy but offer an idea how to better it. I believe we shold add a position that is similar to guidance counciler of the JA. He/she whould have to not only help students/ staff members with RL problems, but also help sutdents know what classes to take and how to improve, and so forth, hell even if they need help with RL schoolwork this person should be able to help. This person whould have to have easy acess to many forms of communication in order to communicate with all the students of the JA. They also would have to have plenty of time in order to do their duity. I personally would volunteer myself to do this job if no better choice arose. I belive I fit the bill rather well. I amy be know and a joker but i certainly can talk seriously and am good at giveing advice. (Don't believe me? ask Blade Knight, one of our JAKs, I reciently helped him thjrough a RL delema.) I use trillian so I have acess to all the instant messengers and am willing to spend as much of my time as I need to heed the call of duity. Please think about this position seriously, becuase if it wasnt nessicary real schools wouldnt pay people to do it. We all have problems, right? Just think to yourself, why not?

On a different note, I think there should be some kind of a "Histoy of the Jedi Academy Class" tought on the IRC or in a server based on subject matter. This class would outline the members of the hall of fame, who they were, and what they did. Also, it would teach students what the JA and the game in general was like in previous patches and what the JA was like in the begining, before the map, visits to previous forms of the JA map would be in order. It would outline how the JA got started and how it has continued to run up to the roaring community it has become. Again, I myself would be willing to teach this class in part of entireity. Toss me some feed back on whether it would be a good idea.
It's a false hologram, it IS artificial...

Sep 05 2003 01:09am

 - Jedi Council

wow, this is certainly turning into a butt kissing thread... carry on :)

although i expect SOMEONE to give us SOME form of criticism... no competition (in the form of improving ourselves) breeds laziness
-Academy Leader/Dictator/Defeater of DJ Sith and JACen Solo in the JAK+ Tournament
-I do think it (the JA) will help convert dozens, maybe hundreds, to the dork nation... --me

Sep 05 2003 12:55am

 - Academy Pimp

I just wanted to say alil about what this place has meant to me. This place is more than just a place where people can come, learn, and become very good at a game, its been a place where i come every day and see the same ppl as happy to see(well kinda see me) as i am to see them, ive developed friendships with many ppl and have even talked to some of them on the phone, and am trying to work a time to see some of them in person at Yankee game(IF SMILY COULD EVER GET A DAY OUT OF WORK!! hehe) if it wasnt for this place i wouldnt have ditched jk2 a while ago. Its a great place to come and not have to worry bout the stresses of the imfamous RL(tm) and i want to thank DJ and Doobs for running this unbelievable place along with the JAT's whos hard work and dedication to teachin will never b underlooked, the JAK's for there constant job as role models for the students to look up to, and the students my brotha's (and sistas) U GUYS ROCK!! ok enough speach *goes on the home server*
Come on now, every Generation X boy wanted to be Luke Skywalker. Is it because he was a whiney farm boy from some backwater hack planet? No, it's because he was a FREAKING JEDI. He could block lasers with his lightsaber. He could levitate droids & rocks & crap with his mind. Come on, he choked two pig dudes with just a simple gesture. He cut off Darth Vader's hand and kicked him down a flight of stairs. He got his @$$ zapped by lightning from the geezer Emperor, stood up and said "s'at all you got b!tc#??"

This comment was edited by JP on Sep 05 2003 12:56am.

Sep 05 2003 12:38am

 - Student

lol - it's an OFSTED inspection!!:eek::eek:

Support bacteria, they're the only culture some people have.

Sep 05 2003 12:23am

 - Student

I personally think the JAT's have covered as much that needs to be covered excellently. I agree with Ash, though. I am expecting many many returns from those of the past.
Captain Barkeep.

Sep 04 2003 11:55pm

 - Ex-Student

My first class i ever had i learned the DFAs and the blue lunge. As well as been able to meet great people. Just like people do at school.
-Has no family, nor "friends"
-What is this "friends" you speak of? No not the meaning of it do I

Sep 04 2003 11:54pm

 - Student

I think it's a great plus for the site that there are so little problems that are reported. The JA site is constructed so that minor problems from students can be fixed in some ... 1-5 hours. It's great, most ppl are a bit tired of JO I think and are laying back till JK:JA. This is a great place, you can see that through the threads that are started and the problems discussed. Many firm friendships have started and have grown here. This is a place on the net that you see very little. And some ppl are worried about the JA release and this JA. I think things will go fine because there are a lot of ppl here who can just keep cool and stay focussed. Things here roll naturally, and that's the best meter of succes that you can have I think.
Personal sleepness-nights-supporter of Virtue. Owner of the 1000th comment of Daidalus and 1943th comment of Gradius! Owner of the 300th comment of Carda!
-Taught Gradius all his laming skills :P

Sep 04 2003 11:50pm

 - Student

lovely here

I've already learned some things:D

I've only been here a week

but I agree

JA=the best gamin organization ever
You never know what you have until you no longer have it.

Sep 04 2003 11:23pm

 - Eats Babies

no problems here. just waitin for JK:JA. once that comes out i think we might need to prepare for a ton of new students that are going to join. i also have a feeling alot of old students are probably going to come out of the woodworks.
"We keep odd hours...." ----------------------- They Live, We Sleep

Sep 04 2003 11:18pm

 - Student

JA = best gaming community ever. 'Nuff said.
Brady Brothers: Orion-Greg, Furi0us-Peter, Me-Bobby. Long lost cousin to Flash. Midbie Council #007. Ex-JAK.

Sep 04 2003 11:10pm

Jaiko D'Kana
 - Student
 Jaiko D'Kana

hey venom, ive only been ere now for oooo bout 3 weeks, hehe im really enjoyin it!!!! I wish i found it sooner ive already introduced a couple of mi m8s and ma lil brother, they all love it too!!!! Ive got a couple of ideas for the JA mod for jedi academy and ive posted em on c1's forum (hope he likes em) cos sum of em are pretty big mods but ive bin chattin wi a few other students and they really like the ideas...such as a ranked force system, and you earn force powers by attending/graduating classes that gives us students something to strive towards...same cud be done with the sabers, however this cud be a huge coding job and i dont know if it Can be way yeah...luvin the academy!!!! :D
The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842 - 1910)

This comment was edited by Jaiko D'Kana on Sep 04 2003 11:12pm.

Sep 04 2003 11:10pm

Fizz of Belouve
 - Student
 Fizz of Belouve

well, i think we have less new students per day compared to half a year ago.

Well, its also almost the same guys that are active here on the site. I dont think there's anything we could do....

well, that JASE thing is quite new, although I dont quite get the idea, well, thats none of my concern. ;)

but, my point is, I do think no critics is good critics... well done, DJ and the other JACs ;)
One of the Belouve boys, founder of the mighty FiZZsters
Midbie council #20 - Fizz - #1933 - Jan '03 - Aug '04

"Renfield, you idiot!"

Sep 04 2003 11:02pm

 - Retired



I think were all still in fairly good condition. Everything is much more organized than when I originally signed up. :D

As for students, there seem to be less, but they also seem more serious about learning from the teachers.

Personal opinion: Things are going peachy keen! :D

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