The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
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Teamspeak 3! -planK- Nov 22 10:37pm -3 comments-
Thanks to the wonderful and extremely handsome DJ Sith we now have a Teamspeak 3 server! Grab the server information (You'll need an account on in good standing) and feel free to pop on and chat with us, or use it for your in-game communications.


Time's up! -Virtue- Nov 22 09:39am -2 comments-
As of right now, we are no longer taking applications for staff positions.

Thank you very much to everyone who submitted an application, we are going through them all and making our final descisions now.
Bare in mind that not everyone who submitted an application will get chosen, but that doesn't mean that we won't call on you in the future if we need you, which we likely will. ;)

Applications for JA Radio DJs are still open, so keep sending those in!

A reminder: -planK- Nov 21 12:44pm -6 comments-
Hey folks! If you've been invited to the upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic beta weekend, scheduled for 25th-28th November, be sure to head over to and RSVP to your beta invitation, and get your client downloaded early to avoid disappointment!

This weekend is going to be a blast, folks. Don't miss it!

A Reminder: We're on IRC! -planK- Nov 17 12:28pm -3 comments-
Hello everyone! Just a reminder that the Jedi Academy IRC channel can be found at #Jedi-Academy on
Fire up your favourite IRC client or go to our chat page and chat to all your favourite Star Wars gamers!

Get a'likin' and a'followin'! -Virtue- Nov 15 02:55pm -8 comments-
Official Facebook Page

Official Twitter Page

Official YouTube Page

I do realise that we already had a Facebook group set up and run mainly by R2, but pages work a little differently to groups and we needed a way to link our news feeds between this site and the two social network platforms, so we created a new one. :)

Book them, and they will come! -Virtue- Nov 15 10:42am -2 comments-
Greetings all!

Right so a couple of things here, firstly I'm just going to reiterate something I've already said in a forum post (merely for emphasis), then I have some fresh news for you!

Okay; many of you would have seen my post in the Academy Discussion forum regarding getting things rolling again, starting with JA Radio.
This is something many of us have been very keen on for a while, so we want to get a good few DJs to run scheduled (or sometimes, even random) Radio shows. Please see my thread for more information on this!

Okay and now for the fresh news;
As some of you may have heard, we're going to be giving the website an overhaul in the next few weeks. This means a new design and new functions.
It also means a new ranking system to fit in with the other games that we may branch into in the future, starting with TOR.

One of the ways we're going about integrating the JA with TOR is by having our staff members create guilds on several different servers within TOR and have them run under the JA as a collective from the website here.
Now you may be thinking "But... there isn't enough active staff to make these guilds", Right! Well, not yet, anyway. This is where you come in...
Basically, to get things properly going and rolling for when TOR is launched, we're temporarily going to change the way we promote people in the JA - we need trustworthy and reliable people to be put on our staff so that they can help manage these things.

So here's what you do:
If you're interested in becoming a member of the JA staff and/or running a guild for the JA in TOR, we would like you to apply for a promotion. If successful, candidates will be promoted to JAT-level access and can begin planning with us.
If you are interested, please send me an e-mail to and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Bare in mind that this is a selection process, all who apply will be discussed amongst the current staff before being approved, so please don't expect an immediate response to your application, give us a day or so. :)

I will only look at people whom apply in the way that I have asked above; by e-mailing me. Please don't tell me on IRC to put your name in for you, or "apply" in the comments to this news post, on the forums or on my profile. Email me! ;)

Also, try to be informative in your application, don't just e-mail me saying "Yeh, I'm interested, dawg!".

Lirael rules. -Virtue- Nov 14 03:03pm -12 comments-
So we've decided to make her a full JAC.

Everyone go poke her or something

Few reasons for this, one being that she's been a deputy JAC for ages now and knows all the ropes, she's been busting her behind with applications and stuff recently (we had over 1,000 spam applications that she pretty much had to sift through one-by-one to weed out the genuine ones) and lastly, with the current JA staff working hard behind the scenes to propel us into activity what with TOR coming out soon and stuff like that, we need all the help we can get and felt that Lir truly deserved the recognition.

Be warned though, she no longer needs anyone's permission to beat people with a stick, so be good little boys and girls! :P

Cheers Lir! :)

TAG TEAM FUN -solitude- Jun 18 10:28am -17 comments-
When: 26 June, 1930 GMT
Where: Euro Server
Who: Jaina D'Kana will be running this :)

Have fun everyone.

Dante Valmont -DJ Sith- Jun 13 12:40am -29 comments-
Good evening, everyone. Tonight I bring some unfortunate news. I've recently learned that a former student of ours, Dante Valmont, passed away while studying abroad in Greece. Dante joined our ranks in 2003 and was an active duelist, RP'er and storyteller. Our condolences go out to his family, his friends here at the Jedi Academy, and his friends abroad.

Ok fess up. Which one of you is this? -DJ Sith- May 19 06:25am -20 comments-

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