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SW:TOR is going F2P -solitude- Jul 31 09:27pm -15 comments- |
SW:TOR is going F2P this fall, if the subscription was what deterred you, now is your chance. ![]() Link FAQ Forbes |
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Blade Symphony -planK- Jun 01 07:33am -7 comments- |
Hi guys! I just wanted to direct your attention to an independent game title being developed on the source engine called Blade Symphony.
In a nutshell, the game is being developed along the lines of the Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy saber system and could serve as a successor to the JK series. I highly recommend checking it out - it looks very promising. |
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8-| -planK- May 19 06:37pm -16 comments- |
In recognition of his contributions to thejediacademy.net and his formidable in-game skill in Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, we're pleased to announce that one of our long time Jedi Knights Masta has now been promoted to Instructor.
Thanks for all your contributions to the Academy. You're one of the good guys, and I will always appreciate all those lessons you gave me in Starcraft 2! ![]() |
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The 10th Anniversary Prom! -planK- May 19 10:35am -5 comments- |
Tonight, join us as we celebrate a decade of Star Wars gaming with fun and games at the Jedi Academy Prom! We'll be kicking off Prom shenanigans at around 7pm GMT on the JKA Events server. We'll be using the JA Prom 2007 map, and we hope to have JA Radio broadcasting live for your listening pleasure!
I'd also like to take this opportunity to offer my most sincere thanks to Maher, Setementor, Masta and everyone else who was involved in organising our awesome 10th Anniversary events. You've done an amazing job! If you see these guys around, make sure to give them a pat on the back. ![]() Hope to see you all at the Prom! BAH GAWD AN EDIT: Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are currently using the_academy for prom shenanigans until we can figure things out and get the prom map uploaded. Hang in there! |
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And we have a winner! -planK- May 18 11:54am -6 comments- |
Not a day after our official ten year anniversary and we've crowned a champion of thejediacademy.net's 10th Anniversary tournament.
Everybody please join me in congratulating o3Dark on winning the 10th Anniversary tournament and a $50 Amazon gift card, and to runner up Kain who has also earned a $20 Amazon gift card. Thank you to everyone who participated in the tournament - we hope you enjoyed it! We definitely plan on doing this again sooner rather than later. ![]() |
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Ten years going strong! -DJ Sith- May 18 01:41am -16 comments- |
I can't believe I'm even writing this. Who knew that we'd still be here 10 years down the line? Frankly, I think it's pretty amazing. It takes a special group of folks to keep these things going so long. The Jedi Academy is seriously and easily one of the best and brightest gaming communities that I've had the privilege to be a part of.
We've been through quite a bit, haven't we? Some of our members grew up here. I've seen kids graduate high school, finish university, move around the world, get awesome jobs, get married, have kids, and all the while while keeping in touch with our little community. We've also lost a fair share of students and staff, either to other communities and games or to sickenss and death. It really is remarkable how these experiences have made us grow. Personally speaking, it's hard to believe I've known some of you since you were twelve. We built this community around Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. I think it's only natural to move on to more modern games, but I'm glad that we still hang out here. Our budding little SWTOR community is doing well, and you should definitely check it out. Incredible and super mad props to R2D2, Laziana, Alex D'Kana, Plaaank, and everyone else who's been pitching in on that front. I also want to drop a hat towards the other council members. Being a JAC is a pretty thankless job, and it takes a special kind of masochist to keep it up. Big ups to Virtue (incredible ups to you, you're the king of all things here), Setementor, Solitude, Lirael, Jacen Solo, Silent Whisper, Chosen-One, Buzz, Huxley, Aron, Orion, Avalon D'Kana, Massadoobie, and the guy who started it all JediSith999. We've had more knights, trainers, and staff members than I can count. Thanks for keeping everyone on their toes and for donating your time to us. Finally, I want to thank every one of you for keeping up alive, for having fun, and for giving all of us Star Wars nerds a cool-ass place to hang out on the Internet. SWTOR's given us a bunch of new members who have really been pitching in too. A special thanks to you guys. The best online communities are made from the best people, and I fully expect to be making another post like this ten years from now. I suppose I can gush on forever, but I'll spare you that. ![]() |
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Events Server -solitude- May 15 11:29am -7 comments- |
We have a new JKA server specifically for the anniversary, running the JAE mod. The server information for it can be found here.
You'll need all of the following files for the upcoming events: the_academy the_academy_v2 academy_beta_2 JAcompatible_JAmapv4 zzzfix_dante.pk3 If for some reason you don't already have it, you'll also need the_academy_v3 . If you'd like to use custom skins during the events, you can download the official JA skinpack here. The next event is a cooperative event on 15th May 2012, 2000 BST. |
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10th Anniversary Event Schedule -planK- May 10 06:31pm -6 comments- |
On Thursday, May 17th 2012, we will officially celebrate the JA's tenth anniversary! While we are already running a tournament, in order to further celebrate the anniversary in one week's time, we will be running a series of events, which will be scheduled as follows:
Run-Up Events Monday, May 14th at 8pm BST: Siege event Tuesday, May 15th at 8pm BST: Co-Op event Wednesday, May 16th at 8pm BST: Various fun events Friday, May 18th at 8pm BST: Instagib/CTF Anniversary Event Thursday, May 17th at 8pm BST: A special map will be loaded for an anniversary conference. The final tournament battle will take place and be announced on this day, or, failing that, at the Prom. We may also finish off the day by playing JK2 if there is interest in it. Prom Saturday, May 19th at 5pm BST: Prom starts and lasts all weekend through to Tuesday morning, with JARadio running, R2D2 soccer (sorry R2!), dancing and other fun games. The Old Republic Sunday, May 20th: The US TOR guild will be running some anniversary events. Check out the guild website for more details. Friday, May 25th: The EU TOR guild will be running some anniversary events over the weekend. Check out the guild website for more details. Any maps that are necessary will be posted in advance of the events. You can join any of these events as you like, but don't miss our Thursday event and don't forget to stop by the Prom at the weekend! |
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Happy Star Wars Day! -planK- May 04 07:47am -8 comments- |
May the Fourth be with you! ![]() |
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