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ps2 ownz xbox!!!
Jun 04 2004 10:49am

Blitzer S'Mena
 - ex-Student
Blitzer S'Mena
ps2 ownz xbox if ya agree why not say somthing:)

*moved by doobie-movomatic-yet-still-vacationing*
It's better to die on your feet, rather than live on your knees.

This post was edited by doobie on Jun 05 2004 12:02am.

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Jun 15 2004 10:54pm

 - Nugget

Dreamcast do N64 aswell? :D and Genesis and Super Nintendo, and Mame :D i dont think sooooo :D but yea Dreamcast rocked anyway
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Best Movie Character EVER!!

Jun 15 2004 09:15pm

 - Student

Why would i feel stupid?

Jun 15 2004 07:37pm

 - Student

Monteeeeee, you can do all of that on the Dreamcast also, My cousin has all the the NES games and like 150+ PS1 games, and there are more available.

I dont know if you can do it for the PS2, and your the 1st person in a long time to use a FACT!

Also you pointed out an implicit fact, the GC will probably NEVER be able to do this, with those "cute" little discs theys use.

EDIT: Dicemaster, I am chilled out, never have I lost my temper due to the writing of another on the internet, as a matter of fact I lose my temper about 1 once a year, ( 4th of July my buddy has this kneeling Japanese table in the middle of the floor, my Big toe finds ever freakin time, man that thing is hard ) and lets be honest anyone who gets angry over the writing of another especially in a topic as silly as "ps2 pwns xbox" has serious issues. Think about it, ever gotten mad at the Jedi Academy website, if so think about it again, how stupid do you feel about it now. I mean come on 1/2 the time I post here I havent slept in 20+ hours, or its the weekend and I wake up drunk/hung over.
Silent Bob (Kevin Smith): You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

-Steve (Obi)

This comment was edited by (Jedi)Obi-JK on Jun 15 2004 07:42pm.

Jun 14 2004 07:13pm

 - Retired

you know, i think in the future when lawless reigns and the streets look like the back alleys from Judge Dredd, a new blood sport will arise. fanboy pit fighting!
this is the internet, be serious damn it!

Jun 14 2004 07:30am

 - Nugget

Ok this is why i think Xbox pwns, i modded my xbox the other day. it now plays AVI DIVX video files which is awesome, i can play backed up games and games from other countries, i can play pretty much any console game on it except PS2 and GC,..... Yes thats correct i can play dreamcast sega nintendo........ i dont see that on the PS2 :D

Now dont get me wrong i like the PS2 but having played Xbox for sometime im kinda inclined to say in my OWN opinion that i prefer the XBox mainly for the reasons above :D
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Best Movie Character EVER!!

Jun 14 2004 06:22am

 - Student

Aenima, Obi, both of you need to chill out. This argument is going no where. Everyone likes there own console for there own reasons, and telling everyone else that your console is the best is not going to make someone change. I suggest we all let this thread die, its never going to go anywhere

Jun 14 2004 01:27am

 - Student

youve probably never even played halo have you my god man go get it and play it before you talk crap about me or it im sick of your posts let me have my opinion omg so you have web facts they dont know half the crap they talk about. Not much on the web is true so go out and learn for yourself.

Yes I have played halo many times, I usually meet at a buddies house about once a month, for the 4 TV, 4 Xbox, 16 player crazy ass mulitplayer event.

Other games I have played:
LotR: RotK

But KOTOR was no different on the PC, and the LotR games are better for the GC cause the WaveBird is the most awesome wireless console controller ever!

OH how does that change the fact that the Xbox still bites?
Silent Bob (Kevin Smith): You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

-Steve (Obi)

Jun 14 2004 12:32am

 - Eats Babies

Jeebus you people. I try not to have console loyalty. Games are games. If they are fun I'll play them.

Also games are like movies. It's all about personal tastes. One man's trash is another man's treasure...and all that jive.
"We keep odd hours...." ----------------------- They Live, We Sleep

Jun 14 2004 12:23am

 - Ex-Student

youve probably never even played halo have you my god man go get it and play it before you talk crap about me or it im sick of your posts let me have my opinion omg so you have web facts they dont know half the crap they talk about. Not much on the web is true so go out and learn for yourself.
I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile. I will only complicate you. Trust in me and fall as well. I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave, I will work to elevate you just enough to bring you down.

Jun 13 2004 07:35pm

 - Student

Alright if you dont know about xbox and halo you shouldnt talk to me about it go beat the game and actually play it for awhile before you down it like that. thats kinda retarded man. the xbox is a dedicated computer the only time halo lags is on xbc. Or if you got very unlucky and got your xbox at a local pawn shop then yea it probably doesnt play very fast but get your own facts man play it for yourself dont go to some website that just knows it all like everyone seems to do now days. Just play it for yourself before you just down xbox so bad thats not right everyone knows halo is the best game ever :O p.s compare xbox to ps2 think hard. ps2 has nothing at all.....

DUDE? seriously on you on heavy medication?

At least I "have" facts no just opinions strung together that barely form sentences.

PS2 has nothing at all.....

Way to back that up slick. Here is what I gather from your posts.

1.) You have no solid foundation for an arguement, your hoping that by ragging on PS2, making silly symbols, and going to the only really well know Xbox game that people will for some reason think your right.

2.) You compare Halo to games from the early 90's.

Face the Xbox blows, thier quality games to shit games ratio is laughable, and because they are backed by M$ we will be forced to endure hearing people like you go on and on and on about Halo 79, until M$ finally realizes it should stick to making bloated Operating Systems.
Silent Bob (Kevin Smith): You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

-Steve (Obi)

Jun 13 2004 07:17pm

 - Ex-Student

Alright if you dont know about xbox and halo you shouldnt talk to me about it go beat the game and actually play it for awhile before you down it like that. thats kinda retarded man. the xbox is a dedicated computer the only time halo lags is on xbc. Or if you got very unlucky and got your xbox at a local pawn shop then yea it probably doesnt play very fast but get your own facts man play it for yourself dont go to some website that just knows it all like everyone seems to do now days. Just play it for yourself before you just down xbox so bad thats not right everyone knows halo is the best game ever :O p.s compare xbox to ps2 think hard. ps2 has nothing at all.....
I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile. I will only complicate you. Trust in me and fall as well. I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave, I will work to elevate you just enough to bring you down.

This comment was edited by Aenima on Jun 13 2004 07:20pm.

Jun 13 2004 03:53pm

 - Ex-Student

PS2 better because it has a better selection of games:P that and in a playstation sorta guy
they way of the sith is the way of my life

Jun 13 2004 12:33pm

 - Nugget

If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Jun 13 2004 12:04pm

 - Student

PC 0wnes ALL!!!!!!!!! :D:D:cool:
-Evil Clown-
"We interrupt this program to increase dramatic tension."

Echuu's 1200th comment, D@RtH N00B's 10850th comment, Redeye's 100th and 150th comment.

Jun 13 2004 11:03am

 - Student

Nope man sorry ive played halo since the day it came out. When i got it on pc i gave it to my friend after a week, thats how bad it was, seriously it was made for xbox and the gameplay..... think about it its the very best fps in the world today better then halflife and doom.

Dude WTF are you talking about Halo for the Xbox gets about 30 FPS!!!!!!!!!

read this article:

If your too lazy ( not that im raggin on lazy, being lazy rules )

here is the most relevant paragraph.


The graphics. Wow. Halo is fricken' beautiful now. All of the bump and reflection mapping has been upped considerably, which gives the game an incredibly polished look. In this first level, everything was optimized so the framerate was rock solid at 30fps with no drops at all. We did see a snow level that takes place much later in the game with tons of chaos going on that did drop a bit, but it still had to be optimized before release.

I havent played half-life, but Im gonna bet it gets better FPS than that. And for the most absurd thing I have heard this week.

You claim: Halo gets better FPS than DOOM!!!!

Read that again ^

Doom ran on a 486, and was released around 1993!!!!

Seriously what are we going to compare next week, super computers versus the abacus?
Silent Bob (Kevin Smith): You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

-Steve (Obi)

Jun 13 2004 10:21am

 - Ex-Student

Nope man sorry ive played halo since the day it came out. When i got it on pc i gave it to my friend after a week, thats how bad it was, seriously it was made for xbox and the gameplay..... think about it its the very best fps in the world today better then halflife and doom.
I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile. I will only complicate you. Trust in me and fall as well. I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave, I will work to elevate you just enough to bring you down.

Jun 13 2004 10:14am

 - Student

omg FOOLS think xbox=HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO=ps2=gta vice city=xbox made it better suckas xbox pwns ps2. Have you all noticed that ps2 has cancer everyone of them the disk drive will go out again and again. not with xbox though. AND HALO. And of course soon to come HALO 2. Ps2=not far from ps1 graphics. And halo2 would suck on pc duh halo 1 sucks horribly on pc its a consol game always has been always will be.

Well thanks for creating the least readable post :)

2nd graphics dont make good games, gameplay makes good games. ( Think long and hard about this it will come to you )

This is where it starts to become opinion, but I think the Keybaord / Mouse is the best combo for an FPS.

And our right about this:

Xbox = halo halo halo, wow one star game

but wrong abut this:

PS2 = GTA 3/Vice City

what meant is this:

PS2 = GTA 3/Vice City, Final Fantasy ( alot of them ) Tekken, and a lot more games.
Silent Bob (Kevin Smith): You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

-Steve (Obi)

This comment was edited by (Jedi)Obi-JK on Jun 13 2004 10:26am.

Jun 13 2004 02:40am

 - Ex-Student

omg FOOLS think xbox=HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO=ps2=gta vice city=xbox made it better suckas xbox pwns ps2. Have you all noticed that ps2 has cancer everyone of them the disk drive will go out again and again. not with xbox though. AND HALO. And of course soon to come HALO 2. Ps2=not far from ps1 graphics. And halo2 would suck on pc duh halo 1 sucks horribly on pc its a consol game always has been always will be.
I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile. I will only complicate you. Trust in me and fall as well. I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave, I will work to elevate you just enough to bring you down.

This comment was edited by Aenima on Jun 13 2004 02:42am.

Jun 12 2004 10:35pm

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

*moved by doobie-movomatic-yet-still-vacationing*


I love you DOOBIE!! :D
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Jun 12 2004 09:14pm

 - Student

Normally a valid statement, but not this time.

When it comes to "staying in business" what the masses think/want is exactly the best.
Silent Bob (Kevin Smith): You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

-Steve (Obi)

Jun 09 2004 05:58am

 - Student

okay.. what the masses like isn't always what is the best..

Where we ask the question, "Is real life really stranger than fiction, or is fiction about real life being stranger than fiction stranger than real life being stranger than fiction?" Ow.
-Paradox Lost
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Jun 08 2004 04:01am

 - Student

Some actual info, NOT just my opinions ( even though they superseed everyone elses opinions, they havent reached the reliability of facts, but just give a few more monthes :D )

This is from:

Here is a link to the story:

--- Best Selling Video Games of 2003 ---

If you dont feel like reading thier whole article, ( which btw I think I may have read it wrong, I am surprised the Xbox didnt have ANY in the top 10 )

1.) PS2 - Madden NFL 2004
2.) GBA - Pokemon
3.) GBA - Pokemon
4.) PS2 - Need for Speed
5.) GCN - Legend of Zelda: The WindWaker
6.) PS2 - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
7.) GCN - Mario Kart: Double Dash
8.) PS2 - Tony Hawke's Underground
9.) PS2 - Enter the Matrix
10.) PS2 -Medal of Honor Rising Sun

Top Game Rentals for the weekending May 30th

1. (PS2) Red Dead Revolver -- Rockstar

2. (PS2) NBA Ballers -- Midway

3. (PS2) Hitman: Contracts -- Eidos

4. (PS2) Need for Speed: Underground — Electronic Arts

5. (Xbox) Red Dead Revolver -- Rockstar

6. (PS2) Syphon Filter: Omega Strain – Sony Computer Entertainment America

7. (PS2) Van Helsing – VU Games

8. (PS2) Transformers Armada: Prelude Energon -- Atari

9. (Xbox) Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow -- Ubisoft

10. (PS2) James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing – Electronic Arts
Silent Bob (Kevin Smith): You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

-Steve (Obi)

Jun 08 2004 02:52am

 - Student

okay, first of all, I imagine all of you have spell check in some form. PLEASE USE IT!!!!!!!!!!.

*cough* alright. Sorry guys, but it had to be said. Now to the comment.

Xbox wins over the PS2 in sheer power. Now if you will all mosey over to the appropriate sites, you will see that the X-box poseses a far higher procesor speed, and it also has a HARD DRIVE!!

Amazing, I know.

Power-shmower. What is the use of a system with all the power in the world, with no games? ahhh.. but the X-box has games!! Halo, Soulcaliber just to name a few. But wait!! PS2 has games to match those! So what difference does power make?

Half-life 2. D00m 3. Both will be ported to the X-box, and can be. The PS2 and gamecube both lack the sheer horse power of the X-box, and are limited as such. The X-box is the mini computer of consoles, and is in my humble opinon, the best gaming system out there.

*deep breath*

People that have PS2's will fight for them to the death because they are in denial. Nuff' said.


Where we ask the question, "Is real life really stranger than fiction, or is fiction about real life being stranger than fiction stranger than real life being stranger than fiction?" Ow.
-Paradox Lost
Want to read my slowly in progress webcomic?

Jun 06 2004 08:35pm

Battlin' Billy
 - Student
 Battlin' Billy

Mune: I think the game you're talking about was River Raid, it was one of my faves as well!

Bandit: I still have my Atari 800 laying around somewhere, along with the Atari 410 cassette drive, a Percom Data 5¼" disk drive and an Indus GT 5¼" disk drive. I still have tons of games for it too, but I'm not sure if they still work. Doesn't matter though, I can play them all on the Atari 800 emulator I have!:)

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Jun 06 2004 12:15am

 - Nugget

<-- agrees completly with orion
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

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