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Style change
Feb 17 2005 08:23pm

D@ve Bundy
 - Student
D@ve Bundy
I try to change/replace style of a singleblade hilt with desann or tavion style. It was success with staff. I used the singleBladeStyle desann (or tavion) command in the .sab. But i have no idea how to do it with a single saber hilt. Do you know how?
"You suckers try to front like you've got the force
But I'll slay like Vader sip you for a first course"
- Beastie Boys

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Feb 18 2005 11:06pm

D@ve Bundy
 - Student
 D@ve Bundy

Thanks. Is it possible to add dfas for them? For example a blue dfa for desann stance. How can i change the saber wielding animation like in movie stances mod?
"You suckers try to front like you've got the force
But I'll slay like Vader sip you for a first course"
- Beastie Boys

Feb 18 2005 04:07am

Fox -AJ- Onasi
 - Student
 Fox -AJ- Onasi

In assets1.pk3, go to ext_data\sabers and open up the sabers.sab file. It lists all the variables for changing your saber up.

but to set the saber style to desann or tavion, just use
saberstyle desann
saberstyle tavion
"To Love and Protect" ~Fox -AJ-
To all my friends and trainers: TYFYT! (Thank You For Your Time!)
Projects: Onasi Temple Map

Feb 17 2005 08:37pm

 - Jedi Master

Google is your friend.

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