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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided.........Game of the Year or no?
Nov 20 2004 01:20pm

 - ex-Student
:alliance:I havent played it yet but I have watched several videos of both cinematics and gameplay. And thusfar this game looks phenomenal. And I will be bold enough to say that I think An Empire Divided could give both Halflife2 and World of Warcraft a run for their money. The ONLY thing I had a problem with was the pay to play gig....not crazy about that and I know that WoW is the same way. But the graphics looked outstanding and the fact that finally you can almost live in the Star Wars universe just seemed incredible to me. Right now though I dont think my video card could handle this game...ill put my pc specs below if anyone is bored and wants to know lol. So, do any of you think that SW Galaxies: Empire Divided is worthy of game of the year? And for you who have played it, what do you think of it so far?:alliance:

2.4 Ghz Processor
512 MB Memory
60 GB Harddrive
32 MB Video (:(....soon to be upgraded to 64mb)
Windows XP
4/20/2005----Left the academy because I did'nt feel welcomed.

This post was edited by . on Nov 20 2004 01:22pm.

What do you think about Star Wars Galaxies : An Empire Divided online?

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Jan 11 2005 07:59am

 - Ex-Student

update......if you havent bought SWG yet you might want to read my thread on it and my experience with their customer service and such before you spend 30 bucks to buy it and another 30 just to get that free 30 days it says on the box otherwise you'll end up in the mess I was in.....just make sure you contact SOE or lucasarts to get the full details before you spend your cash like I did.:empire:

Or you could simply read the back of the box :P

Bought it off a retailers website. Terms and conditions of the free trial were not shown on the page so I wasnt at fault. All I can say is research and ask questions before you buy. I got lucky, I was able to return this friggin thing.:alliance:
4/20/2005----Left the academy because I did'nt feel welcomed.

Jan 08 2005 07:32am

 - Nugget

update......if you havent bought SWG yet you might want to read my thread on it and my experience with their customer service and such before you spend 30 bucks to buy it and another 30 just to get that free 30 days it says on the box otherwise you'll end up in the mess I was in.....just make sure you contact SOE or lucasarts to get the full details before you spend your cash like I did.:empire:

Or you could simply read the back of the box :P
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Jan 08 2005 12:16am

 - Student

first post after i joined this forum
swg is a great game
the constant grinding can be a pain in the arse, but overall the game is brilliant

Jan 04 2005 04:19am

 - Ex-Student

update......if you havent bought SWG yet you might want to read my thread on it and my experience with their customer service and such before you spend 30 bucks to buy it and another 30 just to get that free 30 days it says on the box otherwise you'll end up in the mess I was in.....just make sure you contact SOE or lucasarts to get the full details before you spend your cash like I did.:empire:
4/20/2005----Left the academy because I did'nt feel welcomed.

Jan 01 2005 02:57pm

Senor Hat
 - Student
 Senor Hat

yesss i will be able to play soon!:D:D:D:D
my name is Jimmie Hat or something like that, i havent played in a while
i might have to start again which sucks butt:eek:
I have beaten The Internet.
The end guy was hard.

Jan 01 2005 02:42am

Jaina D'Kana
 - Jedi Instructor
 Jaina D'Kana

no KOTOR 2 is game of the year...

Dec 28 2004 04:21pm

 - Student

I'm Gilandras on the europe-infinity server, if anyone wants to play. :)

Dec 28 2004 11:48am

Senor Hat
 - Student
 Senor Hat

yeah fileplanet and i wasnt a subscriber when i gotit..i dont think, they have public download thingys that you can choose from.
and yes its free, FREE!!!!:D:D
I have beaten The Internet.
The end guy was hard.

This comment was edited by Senor Hat on Dec 28 2004 11:50am.

Dec 27 2004 09:31pm

Scythus Aratan
 - Student
 Scythus Aratan

Only for fileplanet subscribers
Padawan to the great Jacen Aratan!
<Setementor> Scythus is a genius!
Claimer of the 5000th post in the Count thread [Solitude] scy rocks [Casual] good point scythus, you're really smart

Dec 27 2004 04:16pm

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

i really like it but i have to play the demo coz i cant pay for it:(
but its fun:D

there's a demo? :|
and is it free? :eek:
Visit the Belouve Family Website!
I try to have fun with my friends and try to make a difference as best I can. What does making a difference mean? Well, it can be as simple as saying hello, answering a question that seems obvious or heck, just talking. -- Vladarion

Want to know Vladarion? Read the Article about his life here.

Dec 26 2004 01:08pm

Senor Hat
 - Student
 Senor Hat

i really like it but i have to play the demo coz i cant pay for it:(
but its fun:D

I have beaten The Internet.
The end guy was hard.

Dec 25 2004 05:54pm

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

SWG r0xx0rz j00r b0xx0rz!
Free Tibet!
Click this link,and learn
Here too

Dec 25 2004 11:42am

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

erm, 3 gig RAM???

how is that possible??? :mad::(

I only have 256MB :(
Visit the Belouve Family Website!
I try to have fun with my friends and try to make a difference as best I can. What does making a difference mean? Well, it can be as simple as saying hello, answering a question that seems obvious or heck, just talking. -- Vladarion

Want to know Vladarion? Read the Article about his life here.

Dec 25 2004 11:02am

Scythus Aratan
 - Student
 Scythus Aratan

The computer was a birthday present. So I have no idea how much the content cost.

Probably somewhere around the region of $2000. Not many people have 3gb of RAM.
Padawan to the great Jacen Aratan!
<Setementor> Scythus is a genius!
Claimer of the 5000th post in the Count thread [Solitude] scy rocks [Casual] good point scythus, you're really smart

Dec 24 2004 08:09am

 - Nugget

gah. don't get me started.
I played that game for 6 months. It took me that long to figure out how pathetic the game really is.
I mean, sure, it's got good graphics. The animations are really cool, too. However, eye candy aside, the game is just... bad. There is no semblance of balance between classes. There is always one or two classes that EVERYBODY MUST BE!!!11!!1!11 What those classes are change basically every monthly patch. Also, there is nothing to do. Hey look, i'm a master [insert profession] now. What do i do now? Start over with a different profession? Do i REALLY want to start all over!? Go to dungeons? Well, look, here are a few dungeons, let's go in... well, i'm at the end. Now what? Go back, start over? Why?! Get badges? Wow, senseless travelling is more boring than i thought...

There is nothing to do in SWG. Escape now, or you will suffer later. It takes time, but eventually you will figure it out for yourself.
The guild (PA, if you want to use that term) i was in, we were all people who would play pretty much every day for a few hours. A few months in, people started trickling out. Very few remain, now.

SWG is a horrible game, and i'm clueless as to how many people are clueless about it.

And anyway, people saying it should be game of the year have no idea what they're talking about. SWG came out LAST YEAR, people... early last year, at that.

I respect your opinion and you should never force your opinion to change someone from playing the game, i have played this game for almost a year now ( on 26th demcember it will be 1 yr ) and i love it, im BH and im grinding out TK now i have finally decided wot professions i wish to do. i never get bored of hunting Jedi ( REAL PLAYERS ) or doin some quests dotted about.

With the release of JTL, thats pumped it up even more, JTL is awesome saves paying for travel costs from planet to planet and the space combat is awesome too.

I've said this lots of times, SWG is only as good as you make it.
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Dec 23 2004 02:09am

Trad Redav
 - Student
 Trad Redav

gah. don't get me started.
I played that game for 6 months. It took me that long to figure out how pathetic the game really is.
I mean, sure, it's got good graphics. The animations are really cool, too. However, eye candy aside, the game is just... bad. There is no semblance of balance between classes. There is always one or two classes that EVERYBODY MUST BE!!!11!!1!11 What those classes are change basically every monthly patch. Also, there is nothing to do. Hey look, i'm a master [insert profession] now. What do i do now? Start over with a different profession? Do i REALLY want to start all over!? Go to dungeons? Well, look, here are a few dungeons, let's go in... well, i'm at the end. Now what? Go back, start over? Why?! Get badges? Wow, senseless travelling is more boring than i thought...

There is nothing to do in SWG. Escape now, or you will suffer later. It takes time, but eventually you will figure it out for yourself.
The guild (PA, if you want to use that term) i was in, we were all people who would play pretty much every day for a few hours. A few months in, people started trickling out. Very few remain, now.

SWG is a horrible game, and i'm clueless as to how many people are clueless about it.

And anyway, people saying it should be game of the year have no idea what they're talking about. SWG came out LAST YEAR, people... early last year, at that.
Well then. Just so you know, just because I don't post often doesn't mean I don't lurk this place multiple times every day...

This comment was edited by Trad Redav on Dec 23 2004 02:11am.

Dec 16 2004 01:52pm

Mirael D'Kana
 - Student
 Mirael D'Kana

Defo a game of the year.

Mirael, Europe-Infinity.

edit: what incombatibility ? what crashes ? :)

Everything runs smooth here. SWG deserves its title.
-The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.(John Milton)- Mirael D'Kana, daughter and Padawan to Jaina D'Kana, proud mastress to Crash D'Kana and Saige D'Kana. Winner of Henkes' Pure Pwnage Award. Proud owner of Jaina's 999th post. Proud user of Odan Wei's JA Logo in my avatar. -SWG random quote: People use hammers to knock holes in the wall. I use a hammer to knock Bounty Hunters' teeth out.-

This comment was edited by Mirael D'Kana on Dec 18 2004 09:23pm.

Dec 13 2004 03:24pm

Iceman - away-
 - Student

The computer was a birthday present. So I have no idea how much the content cost.

Dec 13 2004 05:54am

 - Student

Iceman, we don't all have 500 dollars to spend on a video card. :P I think my machine is pretty average gaming wise, and it lags.

Dec 08 2004 10:21pm

 - Student

Someone should castrate all people involved in the making of the game.

Dec 07 2004 05:07pm

Iceman - away-
 - Student

RPG's --> suck
MMORPG's --> suckiest

I guess that you havent played KOTOR.

Dec 06 2004 04:25pm

 - Student

RPG's --> suck
MMORPG's --> suckiest

Dec 05 2004 10:05pm

 - Nugget

yea amd 1200 is better than a 2ghz celeron :P
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Dec 05 2004 11:27am

 - Student

I have a 2.0 ghz Celeron

Celeron = teh suxors
Proud Former Padawan of 3th

Dec 05 2004 08:08am

Iceman - away-
 - Student

I have a 3.2 processor, 3gig ram ATI X800. And almost no lag. Not even in Coronet.

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