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so who would win?
Oct 01 2004 08:39pm

Jarhok Belouve
 - Student
Jarhok Belouve
darth vadar at the height of his power or our fave oompa loompa yoda in a fair full force fight?
Unofficial Paddy to the great Squibit Belouve and Solitudes snog machine! |||||||||||||||||||||||PRONOUNCED JARHOK TEH S3X3H by Alexander D'kana|||||||||||||||||||||||||
Loves Liso'sia! Uber new Belouve boy! My special people: Squibit Belouve,Roan Belouve,Bail Hope Belouve and of course the lovely Liso'sia!

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Dec 21 2004 07:43pm

 - Student

"I foresee you becomming the greatest of all jedi. Even more powerful than master Yoda." -Lord Sidious

Dec 21 2004 02:19am

 - Jedi Master

Well, whatever, I just think Yoda was a little scared to face him when he was just years away from death. Yes, his years would be like months to us. :P

Dec 20 2004 11:51pm

 - Student

Yoda is my favorite jedi, but I'll have to say that Anakin will win because he is the chosen one. If Yoda or any other jedi could've taken Anakin they would've when there were so many jedi around. All they had to do was to summon a group of jedi and go after Anakin. I understand they were busy fighting the clone wars but I would say Anakin should be the number one military objective. Anyhow, they had to invest their hopes in Luke Skywalker. He was "a new hope" to "return of the jedi."

Nov 30 2004 01:02pm

 - Padawan

Pfft, young or old, Yoda would kick the crap out of Vader. Come on, the little dude has 800 years of experience behind him.
Vader's power is simply destructive, untamed and raw.

No match for Yoda.

- Virtue. :alliance:

I have to second this Idea, indeed 800 years of experience, how can one top that. :D
" You've just taken your first steps into a larger world. " - Ben.

Nov 30 2004 12:47pm

 - Student


tough question.

If you read the books, you know that yoda and a group of knights crashed on dathomir, and were diven away by the witches. That was when yoda was aproximantly 500 if i recall. But that was also against several hundered darkforce users at least i would imagine, and even palpatine interdicted that planet when he found it after he took over.

and it also would have to go to what you can describe the "hight" of thier power to be. Do you mean power in the force? skill with a saber? or political power? Power in the force comes from their will. over all the movies, every jedi is compared to either windu, obiwan, or yoda. Vader was only able to, or only chose to fling random bits of machinery at luke in thier fights, yoda moved an xwing. but vader was trying to convert luke to the dark side, so he was holding back, at least at first. And it could also be argued that yoda was holding back against dooku, trying to find things out. And HAD he wanted to finish dooku, he would have let obiwan and anakin save themselves. I mean, it would have taken a force push to deflect the debries that fell twards them, or a tad bit of force to get out of the way. And dooku still ran from yoda, so yoda was capable of beating hi, which anakin does eventualy i would imagine.

bottom line - that would be an interesting fight to see:D
Married to Mirael D'kana, Former master to Shangri Stomwind and Crash D'Kana, Owner of Gil-Galad's 100th post, Khâ D'Kana's 700th post, and friend to just about everyone

Nov 30 2004 09:37am

Khâ D'Kana
 - Student
 Khâ D'Kana

I think it depends from circumstances. The force will help the one who will best balance it when surviving.

~Khâ D'Kana

In light of day, nor dark of night, no evil shall escape our sight.

Proud member of the D'Kana family

Nov 30 2004 09:33am

Mirael D'Kana
 - Student
 Mirael D'Kana


-The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.(John Milton)- Mirael D'Kana, daughter and Padawan to Jaina D'Kana, proud mastress to Crash D'Kana and Saige D'Kana. Winner of Henkes' Pure Pwnage Award. Proud owner of Jaina's 999th post. Proud user of Odan Wei's JA Logo in my avatar. -SWG random quote: People use hammers to knock holes in the wall. I use a hammer to knock Bounty Hunters' teeth out.-

This comment was edited by Mirael D'Kana on Nov 30 2004 09:34am.

Nov 30 2004 09:23am

 - Jedi Council

Pfft, young or old, Yoda would kick the crap out of Vader. Come on, the little dude has 800 years of experience behind him.
Vader's power is simply destructive, untamed and raw.

No match for Yoda.

- Virtue. :alliance:
Academy Architect

Nov 30 2004 08:36am

The Angel Of Death
 - Student
 The Angel Of Death

vader would win coz remember in episode 1 gui-gon said somthin about anikin having more medacloreiance (what ever that is) than yoda

Immortality seems like a good idea, until you realize you're going to spend it alone

Nov 21 2004 12:29am

 - Jedi Council

no contest. Vader.
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Nov 20 2004 08:37pm

Vasper Ba'xian
 - Student
 Vasper Ba'xian

Vader would win at his height, but you let him fight the younger Yoda. Vader would have his A$$ handed to him, both cheeks!:eek:
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Nov 20 2004 02:25pm

Jake Kainite
 - Student
 Jake Kainite

Yah Darth Vader or Anakin Skywalker would win HANDS DOWN! every time. Why? Well he's the chosen one, coceived by the force istelf. So what if yodas got a few hundred years of experience behind him, you can't be brute force :D

The only person capable of defeating vader would be someone related to him along the same bloodline, i.e. Luke or leia, perhaps even the solo twins and anakin solo....
Apprenctice of Jedi Master Ascari (deceased)
Descended from a line of great Jedi
Will argue any point of view from any side :D

Nov 20 2004 12:36pm

 - Ex-Student

4/20/2005----Left the academy because I did'nt feel welcomed.

Oct 10 2004 03:08am

 - Student

I generally agree that if Yoda could have, he would have, but I'll throw in one more possibility:

Perhaps Yoda figured he had about a 70% chance of defeating Vader, and suppose his assessment was correct. Yoda was the last of the Jedi, the very last. Had he fought Vader he probably would have won, but there'd still be a 30% chance that he would lose (sometimes the underdog wins), and if that happened, then that would have been the end of the Jedi for all time. Perhaps he thought it was not worth the risk and wisely chose to sit out the fight and train Luke instead.

My signature is only one line. You're welcome.

Oct 10 2004 12:16am

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

if yoda couldve he wouldve.simple as that.

Anikan Skywalker aka DArth Vader is the chosen one and he pwns every jedi sadly
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Oct 09 2004 09:55am

 - Student

I think you should change the question to: Who will win? Darth Vader at the height of his power or our favorite oompa loomp Yoda at the height of HIS power?
That way the fight would be more even for poor Yoda. :P

Now to my opinion: I think Yoda would win. Why? Because Darth Vader is being teared up inside. There's a conflict within him, which tears a person down. Yoda, however, has no conflict, which makes him more powerful. :)
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

Recipient of comment no. 1000 and heart-warming words from Ataris! :)

Oct 07 2004 07:09am

 - Student

I think it would be a draw
Only I will finish what I have begun.

Oct 04 2004 11:48am

Jippie Phoenix
 - Student
 Jippie Phoenix

I'd say Vader I mean yoda was on his last legs held on just to tutor Luke=)

Oct 03 2004 06:20am

Jade Jedi
 - Retired
 Jade Jedi

Vader would win otherwise yoda would have stoped him long ago.I think the Obi-wan vs Anikin duel will long be remembered as the most energetic and emotional of any duel ever!

Jade Jedi :)
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Oct 02 2004 08:01am

 - Student

Neither, I'd jump in with my staff and pwn both of them! b00m!!! :D

I agree.
Top ten reasons to get a better computer...|My fan

Oct 02 2004 04:21am

Lackeh- Retired
 - Student
 Lackeh- Retired

Vader; Evil will win because good is stupid
A champion is someone who keeps getting up; even when they can't.
Founder Of the Jedi Academy Adlut Support Group.
Padawan of Katan. Brother to MOTREC, DarkDragon, (SKX)DarkBlade, Jacen Aratan, Achilles, Kool_Aide, EvilSquirrel, and Katan's Padawans.

Oct 02 2004 01:46am

Seth C. Belouve
 - Student
 Seth C. Belouve

I'm with Gradius...we could take em both, AND I use only the one (blue) a proper Jedi...*glares a twitching eye at Gradius*:D
Look unto me for I possess the blue flag!! It is more beautiful then I ever imagined! You will now worship me as if I were a god! *smack, dies* I regret nothing, I lived as few men dared dream!!
Red Guy from Red Vs. Blue Series

Oct 01 2004 10:14pm

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

you do realize that dooku ran from yoda like the sith wuss he was? Well if yoda couldve won he wouldve already,but he stayed hiding,i love yoda but even yoda said darth vader was stronger than him! :o
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This comment was edited by Plo Koon on Oct 01 2004 10:15pm.

Oct 01 2004 09:57pm

 - Student

I would have to say Anakin just out of speculation. Yoda was not able to beat Dooku in Ep. II, which doesn't necessarily mean he can't, but it is possible that they are too evenly matched. And my personal opinion about Ep. III is that Anakin kills Dooku in order to take his place as Palpatine's apprentice. This leads me to believe that Anakin will be more powerful than Yoda once he reaches his peak.
I do not ask for your poor, or your hungry, I do not want your tired and sick, It is your corrupt I claim, It is your evil that will be sought by me, With every breath, I shall hunt them down, Each day, I will spill their blood, till it rains down from the skies.
Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal, These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace, These are not polite suggestions, these are cores of behavior, And those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.
There are varying degrees of evil, I am a due lesser form of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain, For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see me, And on that day, you will reap it, And I will send you to whatever god you wish.

Oct 01 2004 08:42pm

 - Ex-Student

Neither, I'd jump in with my staff and pwn both of them! b00m!!! :D
- Proud padawan of Kueller.
- We really are at the beginning of it all. The trick, of course, is to make sure we never find the end. - Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything
- <gen-e-sis-happy> Liek, you can train, liek, a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b... --> Wise words!
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