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ps2 ownz xbox!!!
Jun 04 2004 10:49am

Blitzer S'Mena
 - ex-Student
Blitzer S'Mena
ps2 ownz xbox if ya agree why not say somthing:)

*moved by doobie-movomatic-yet-still-vacationing*
It's better to die on your feet, rather than live on your knees.

This post was edited by doobie on Jun 05 2004 12:02am.

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Jun 05 2004 02:27pm

 - Retired

omg, teh cell shaded zelda game was awsome, I dont care what u say I loved the game had a good time playing it.

ANY fps on a console sucks, minus GoldenEye 007 for the n64, and hl2 is gonna look like crap on the xbox just get it for the pc geez :eek:
When a Man lies he murder's some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men misscall there lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home? -Cliff Burton Owner of Smily's 1900th comment | <Lady_Catherine> i love your sexy white socks! | (Lady_Catherine) i adore u! | (Lady_Catherine) onion (Lady_Catherine) i lub u

Jun 05 2004 09:40am

 - Student

(Jedi)Obi-JK is just so amazingly correct on this matter!!!

I am hte kind of person who buys a console just for a small amout of games (final fantasy for example). It's just so much fun.
I really don't care how powerfull my machine is neither if the graphics own, I just like to play great games:)
(first I had a Nintendo64 which is the best console EVER, but when I saw pics of zelda windwaker I decided to buy my ps2).
Quote: Curious, Smartass, what else?

Jun 05 2004 07:07am

Lord Jaws
 - Student
 Lord Jaws

Xbox-ps2-Gc. thats my order, the GameCube is more become a kid computer(besides Metroids, the new zelda(W00t that looks SW33T!!!) of course Super Smash Brothers,got it on 64, and some others) kid games the most, star wars wampa race???huh,or pikmin. ps has good games too, like prince of persia sands of time, dbz budokai 2, SW Bounty hunter, nice game, That new transformers game.
But the best is the Xbox, best graphics, good games, specially Halo of cource(and HALO 2!!!) but Ninja gaiden pwns too!!! and I heard that Half-Life 2 also goes to xbox, though it is later than on the pc.
MMMMMmmmmmmmm.......hehe, got a friend that has all 3 of em, so if he sees a game he likes, he can buy it, want that too.....ya,
One night, I was lying in my bed, looking up at the stars and I said to myself: "Where the h*** is my ceiling?!

Jun 05 2004 06:58am

 - Student

I love ps2 a lot, but xbox is awesome as well. The only real reason why i have a ps2 is because of the Grand theft auto series and EA sports game (NBA Live 2004 etc.) now that i look at it, orion's right in his post stated way below :D Xbox has the GTA series as well now :) also with the awesome game halo.


Jun 05 2004 05:37am

 - Student

I personally prefer my Xbox. I have nothing against the other two, i actually was going to get a PS2 because it had so many games, but all of my friends had an X-box and played Halo constantly, so i just went with that so i could join in our "bloodfests" (4 xbox's 16 players Halo, crazy fun times) but yeah my only complaint about the Game cube is the lack of good FPS's, i'm a big FPS fan, and i haven't really found any good ones for that. I still love and stand by Halo, and CAN'T WAIT for HALO2so yeah i'm excited for that

Jun 05 2004 04:18am

 - Student

I know. If you buy the DVD, it includes a PS2 disc with a rerelease of the game.:P

EDIT: I take that statement back until I can verify where I read that. I know I read that they'd release a PSP version and one on DVD which accompinies the statement at the top. I can't remember where I read that, even though I know it was recently. Might have been EGM or PSM, but until then, I take it back...

EDITOTHEDIT: Um, yeah, I can't find it, but I'm fairly certain it was in an EGM. But whatever. I guess we'll just call it rumors that they'll re-release it. *sigh* I know I read it somewhere that's not Game Informer very recently....
Captain Barkeep.

This comment was edited by Mune on Jun 05 2004 05:00am.

Jun 05 2004 02:06am

 - Retired

FFVII Advent Children is a dvd...
When a Man lies he murder's some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men misscall there lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home? -Cliff Burton Owner of Smily's 1900th comment | <Lady_Catherine> i love your sexy white socks! | (Lady_Catherine) i adore u! | (Lady_Catherine) onion (Lady_Catherine) i lub u

Jun 05 2004 01:34am

 - Student

Atari 2600? Yep. That would definately be in my dad's closet. Even mentioning it makes me want to go play Pac Man just to hear the most wonderful sound in the world: his death music. Of course, I really liked Boxing and the one game where you're in a jet flying through the river, dodging bullets and bridges. Can't remember its name for the life of me.

Oh, XBOX / PS2? Um, PS2 is good for Metal Gear, GTA, FFVII Advent Children with the rerelease of FFVII. XBOX is good for... listening to your mp3's while playing a game? No, thats not right. Staring at and building muscle!

Now GameCube has awesome stuff going for it, including the new Zelda (yummmeh), Wind Waker, Metroid, Mario, Metal Gear: Twin Snakes, Viewtiful Joe, F-Zero, more, and then some, plus that title over there. See, Nintendo is a sweet company once you've completely blocked that whole Pokemon era from your mind (I think the original games were actually decent, but once the merchandice and the infinite continuous game line came and then the cards...).
Captain Barkeep.

Jun 05 2004 12:53am

 - Retired

oh its true, u want power points showing development cycle time lines.. I got them, one of my instructors used to work for EA Tiburon so he knows what its like to develop for all 3 system and sony took the longest to get going.
When a Man lies he murder's some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men misscall there lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home? -Cliff Burton Owner of Smily's 1900th comment | <Lady_Catherine> i love your sexy white socks! | (Lady_Catherine) i adore u! | (Lady_Catherine) onion (Lady_Catherine) i lub u

Jun 05 2004 12:32am

 - Student

Totally disagree, you could have made them learn hebrew, for the amount of Money the Final Fantasy games alone bring in for Sony.

Remeber Developers although highly skilled, are still employees to "the man" As long as consumers are willing to buy the games for that console, Sony will find people willing to do whatever it takes to develop games for that console.

And again 90% of the people who read that post still probably dont totally understand what is going on, and are happy as long as they can pre-order Final Fantasy XXXXXXXX 73.


Man Final Fantasy is stupid I used to play these games when I was younger, now I just hit myself everyonce in a while to remind myself what a moron I was. I tried playing Final Fantasy 7 again, and realized something ITS BORING. Turn based is best left to the board games.

Silent Bob (Kevin Smith): You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

-Steve (Obi)

Jun 05 2004 12:20am

 - Retired

Mega CD and the 32-X for Genesis/Megadrive pwn3d :D Night Trap pwn3d j000000000000000 :D my XBox pwns all now its modded :D

oh god

When a Man lies he murder's some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men misscall there lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home? -Cliff Burton Owner of Smily's 1900th comment | <Lady_Catherine> i love your sexy white socks! | (Lady_Catherine) i adore u! | (Lady_Catherine) onion (Lady_Catherine) i lub u

Jun 05 2004 12:13am

 - Retired

Ok no graphics talk then, ill go in to development talk :D

*puts on his programmer hat*

So, if the PS2 was not launched a year before the xbox and gcn, it would of fail misserably! Dont say no, cause it would of.

When sony ships a development kit for the ps2, you get a ps2 dev machine, and 4 big books, on how to use it. But it only shows some assembly type things and memory addresses. THere is no Graphics API, like OpenGL or Direct3d, there is no input layer like DirectInput. There is no audio API, like direct sound and OPenAL. The development team has to learn how to use the hardware and write their version of opengl,opelal,direct3d,directinput and such. So they spend a whole hell of alot of time developming the underlying framework for their games. which takes a lot of time.

Now the GCN, uses a ATI Graphics card, oh hey its ATI they make PC cards, so they made their GFX API EXTREMLY similar to opengl, and it was on a IBM CPU which isnt that hard to learn, and nintendo does have good API's for wrapping the lowlevel machine code stuff. SO the gamecube is quick to develop for which publishing companies love.

Ok xBox, yeah it does suck but its windows based it uses the NT kernel and uses DirectX for everything, hey i make windows game and xbox uses directx i think i can develop for this really fast. and yes they do.

So, if all three consoled were released at once MOST developers would of taken for the GCN and teh XBOX over the PS2, simply because of development time. Most companies wouldnt of spend the time learing all the crap for the ps2 because sony is dumb and didnt make any API's for their system. SO the only reason sony is winning is because they got out a year quicker, which gave companies time to make the game. Want me to prove it? OK TOny Hawk 3 for the gcn, it started development for the GCN version like late spring early summer and it make it out for the release of hte GameCube, wow agreat game like tony hawk made for the game cube in around 8 months while they prolly spend 1.5 years on the ps2 version. Hmm i think development for the GCN is MUCH quicker and same with xbox...

When a Man lies he murder's some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men misscall there lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home? -Cliff Burton Owner of Smily's 1900th comment | <Lady_Catherine> i love your sexy white socks! | (Lady_Catherine) i adore u! | (Lady_Catherine) onion (Lady_Catherine) i lub u

Jun 04 2004 11:56pm

 - Student

WEll I knew it would happen, people came out with the "Graphics" arguement. Which is about one of the worst arguments ever, for which console is better.

I think everyone know the best console is decided by the best games.

So it really boils down to what makes good games.

here is a hint: ITS NOT GRAPHICS!

Its this other less discussed part of the game called GAMEPLAY!

Examples: Super Mario Bros 1, Metriod, Zelda, Punch Out, etc.

Great games terrible graphics, people still play them all the time.

Now do are you really gonna be the person who has friends over to play a game, and when they talk about how bad is sucks, say "Oh yeah but the graphics are so cool!"

Now here is a review by NOT me. I think its a great review, but thats probably becuase I realize, the Xbox blows.

Silent Bob (Kevin Smith): You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

-Steve (Obi)

Jun 04 2004 08:18pm

 - Student

actually, nothing can own PC becourse it can run almost everything!:D


Jun 04 2004 08:15pm

 - Student


edit:: I don't give a sh!t about the graphics, I got a pc to complain about that:P
Quote: Curious, Smartass, what else?

This comment was edited by Nero on Jun 04 2004 08:15pm.

Jun 04 2004 06:29pm

 - Student


-----------> General Discussion

dude, nobody cares, check the first 2 comments lol

ps: who would care, that pic u got there mate rules!!!!!!!!!
- Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world

Jun 04 2004 06:26pm

 - Student


-----------> General Discussion

Jun 04 2004 06:12pm

 - Student

XBOX pwns PS2!!:D


Jun 04 2004 05:43pm

 - Nugget

Mega CD and the 32-X for Genesis/Megadrive pwn3d :D Night Trap pwn3d j000000000000000 :D my XBox pwns all now its modded :D
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Jun 04 2004 05:39pm

 - Ex-Student

3DO pwns all! :)
- Proud padawan of Kueller.
- We really are at the beginning of it all. The trick, of course, is to make sure we never find the end. - Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything
- <gen-e-sis-happy> Liek, you can train, liek, a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b... --> Wise words!
- "daer SOE me likes your a company i am having your some money for letting me do stuff cos mes the best amd i do it all meself" - Slider

Jun 04 2004 04:12pm

 - Student

Hey! I used to own an Atari 2600, and I'll have you know it was one of the fondest memories of my youth. I can still remember spending countless hours in a fruitless endeavor to destroy every asteriod coming for my ship (Asteriods), and destroying every alien in Space Invaders. Then of course, I got the Atari 400, then the Atari 800XL! I really was high-tech then. But, I digress...
The Atari 2600 was awesome... :):cool:
Part-Time Player (Weekend Warrior).
Recipient of the prestigious "Longest-Post-Ever Award" (bestowed on me by Flash on March 23rd, 2004)

Jun 04 2004 03:38pm

Battlin' Billy
 - Student
 Battlin' Billy

What about the Atari 2600? It's even better than Pong!!!

Midbie Council Member #2 - Profile ID 2073 | Member of B@rtM@ulS@ar | Owner of Monty's 2000th comment & D@RtHM@UL's 8100th comment |
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Jun 04 2004 03:37pm

 - Retired

Every current system owns the ps2
PC > GCN > XBOX (unfortunatly) > ps2.

The ps2 graphics are horrible imo, no anti-alaising so u get all the blockly lines when characters move, no smooth lines like on the xbox and gamecube.
When a Man lies he murder's some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men misscall there lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home? -Cliff Burton Owner of Smily's 1900th comment | <Lady_Catherine> i love your sexy white socks! | (Lady_Catherine) i adore u! | (Lady_Catherine) onion (Lady_Catherine) i lub u

Jun 04 2004 03:34pm

Battlin' Billy
 - Student
 Battlin' Billy

Atari 2600 > Xbox, GC, PS2!!!

Midbie Council Member #2 - Profile ID 2073 | Member of B@rtM@ulS@ar | Owner of Monty's 2000th comment & D@RtHM@UL's 8100th comment |
Former Padawan of SilkMonkey & Arcuss
JA Goaltender & NHL Fan | Fellow Rush fan to Axion|Plo Koon is my oldest JA friend
Post your RL pics HERE! | Post you JK2/JK3 screenies HERE!

Jun 04 2004 02:53pm

 - Distributor of Cold Ones

PC > PS2 > XBox and GC

That's all I have to say about that.
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