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May 17 2024 04:24am

 - Retired
... WARNING! ... If you read this thread you might expand your mind.. FRIENDS DONT LET FRIENDS THINK AND SURF!

In light of a conversation starting on #ja, I have decided to start a thread to contain my rantings and ludicris ideas on life and the world around us.
View this post at your own risk!!

Dreams... we all have them. Some people cant remember them, but we all have them. They are essential to our existance.
Dreams are a by-product of our body's regeneration process that happens when we sleep. It is essential to our survival and our growth as humans, to dream every night.

Just because you dont remember your dreams, doesn't mean you dont have them.

Have you ever had a dream about a situation that hasn't happened yet? Something simple, like getting mail from an old friend you haven't talked to for a while, or something more complex like about your later-life?

Have you ever dreamed something and then it happened? (not deja-vu, but a pre-cognitive dream about a situation)

I think everyone has had this happen atleast once or twice in their life. The more you WANT to become aware of your dreams, the more you will be able to control your dreams, and control your destiny.

Try this experiment:
Before you goto bed (on a night that you can sleep in the next day) set your alarm for 3 hours and 30 minutes from the time you goto bed. The 30 minutes is to allow you to sleep, and the 3 hours is the first 2 cycles of sleep (into deep sleep, REM state and back out).
Put a notepad and a penicil next to your bed. All ready to write down when you wake up.

Before you sleep, think about something you want to dream about. Pick an adventure for you to go on. Plan to dream about being a Jedi Padawan and heading out to the outer rim on a reconnisince mission. Then lay down and focus on that. Think only about being a jedi, and going on your mission. Keep thinking of this until your fast asleep.

When you wake up, grab your pencil and start jotting down just some ideas about your dream.
DONT take too long, be awake for only about 2 minutes tops. Then turn off your alarm and go back to bed.

When you wake up, read what you wrote, and see if you remember more about the dream now.
See if the dream has now become a memory and a part of you.

Try this for 2 nights in a row (on a weekend maybe) and tell me what your dreams are about.

You wont nessisarily dream about what you wanted to, but write it down anyway, that is part of the test. See what your brain ended up coming up with when your sleeping.

I look forward to making this a good thread to follow.


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Sep 01 2003 02:54am

 - Retired

I woke up from a horrible nightmare the other night. I went downstairs to get a drink, and cool down, since I was drentched in sweat. It was about 4:something am when I walked downstairs.
I went into the kicthen, left the light off and went to the refridgerator. Just as I opened it up, my mom popped her head in the kitchen and asked if I was ok. She said she heard me screaming. I told her I was fine, but she didnt seem to believe me. She turned the light in the kitchen on, and apparently i had green spots all over my entire body. Yes green. She started freaking out, and I didn't understand, because I couldn't see them. She started getting all panicy and thinking I was sick with something serious, so she calls up one of those 24 hour emergency hotlines, and talks to a nurse that tells my mom to have me take a bath immediatly with some substance that is good for hives or something.
So I'm taking this bath, then my sister wakes up, comes in the bathroom, and freaks out cause she thinks she has spots on her now. (obviously just trying to get attention like she does)
Then my mom comes in, and tells me the nurse said to take an ice-cold shower to clean off with, so I get up to turn the water faucet on, and just as the icy-cold water hits me, I wake up sweating in my bed.

Freaking ridiculus if you ask me. My subcouncious has been toying with me and my dreams recently. Giving ones that seem to be so realistic, then boom, its a dream.
I used to be SOOOOO good at 'realizing' my dreams, and taking control of them during the process of the dream. So I could do anything i wanted to, like fly around Neo-style.
But FEH, not with these situational-reality-tv-dreams.

Sep 01 2003 02:43am

 - Retired

Forget Squaresoft, call Miramax!

Sep 01 2003 02:12am

 - Hubbub

dude.... you dreamt all this? so much detail!!

but it's such a geeky dream :P if i had anything to do with squaresoft i would make you CEO! :P
make install -not war

Aug 31 2003 11:36pm

 - Student

Ok this is probably the most vivid dream I've had in a Looong time:
First I'm Lando Calrissian, but in the 3rd person (like watching a demo in jk2 multiplayer) and he's chasing an old guy through catacombs of london with some ppl. we follow him down hundreds of meters underground, then a shaft leads us back up towards the surface and we come out in a closed-down deserted bar. Everything about the bar still works though so Lando fixes the place up and opens it as a bar. Cut to a flashback (I swear to god my dream had a flashback) Liam Neeson is an Amish guy and he's in Boston Common (for those who don't know, it's a park in, surprise! Boston) except there's a river next to it and a big suspension bridge (it looks like the hudson river and the George Washington bridge, except the bridge is dark, not green). Liam is upset and infuriated because the love of his life (an amish chick) is being forced to leave with her family. So he's got a glock and is shooting down helicopters in the Common (there are downed helicopters frikkin EVERYWHERE) and he decides he'll follow her and take her back. Cut to a different part of Boston Common: There is a bunch of amish ppl getting into a carriage including a young woman and Fionnoulla Flanagan (an actress who guest starred on an episode of enterprise that I watched the night before, she's also my aunt ;)). Anyway so then the carriage turns into a clam and shrinks to about 3/4 of a foot in diameter and scoots away (i think it was a hover-clam :confused: ) So it scoots off and Liam Neeson starts chasing it, and Lando is also chasing it, but I don't know why. Eventually it gets to the beach of an ocean and Lando and Liam see each other and start shooting at each other. Liam still has his glock, and Lando has one of those german machine guns from WWII (the all metal cylindrical ones). Eventually both of them shoot the others guns and they give up shooting cause their guns are broken. So they're running along the beach chasing after the clam that's moving along the edge of the water down the beach. At this point Liam Neeson is closing on the clam and the flash back starts getting a monologue kinda thing and it starts saying "Oh, it was such a tragedy. Such a tragic incedent..." and just as Liam is about to catch the clam a wave hits it and knocks it into a rock, and the clam breaks open. Liam picks up the broken clam and finds it... Empty! Liam turns back toward Lando, who's still coming down along the beach, and he cracks the rest of the shell open to show Lando that it's actually empty. Cut to: Far far away, a carriage full of all the original carriage riders, on it's way to wherever it's going. Liam never hears from the girl again. Cut to: the bar, it's a few years after Lando fixed it up and opened it, and it's now owned by someone else, who Lando is talking to for some information. The new owner has blue skin and red eyes and four arms. The bar is full of people now. Lando asks him for information, and the owner starts telling him about (cut to: a montage of the descriptions) the bizzarre and kinky sexual habits of the Amish before they left the Common. Wierd sh*t, too; leather and red hot pokers and self mutilation and wife swapping and stuff. Cut back to: the bar, Lando again. Lando's eating an apple. The apple eating is dreamed quite vividly, and from 1st person perspective. I'm munching on the apple, and I accidentally get a little bit of the bottom stem part in a bite (chewy, but edible). Then I'm woken up by my phone ringing. It's a pity, I would've liked to have known what happened next... :(
I think I should apply for a job with Squaresoft for their creative team on FF games! They usualy start out with about the same level of cohesion. :P
"It's because I love you.
No. It's because I love you"
Oh, Anakin, you're eloquence is second to none.

Aug 21 2003 10:03am

Zero Akaine
 - Student
 Zero Akaine

JJ becuse like i said it wont work if your relly tired or if you dont get enuff sleep. your body cant run right with out enuff sleep.

aas for the ping pong thing....thats just well i cant relly read into it with out relly knowing you frist. it can mean many diffrent things if i dont know you just a little.

and the 7-11 is funny as hell if you think about it. you bouth hate each other and were give mean looks so harde you did dmg...strange but funny if you think about it. :)
Padawan of Ryo Akaine
Master to Aphex,Skyler,Doppelganger, and GremReaper.

Aug 20 2003 11:55pm

 - Student

I had a dream the other night. A good friend of mine and myself were having a good round of ping pong. Then, I hit the ball to his head. Then blood starts gushing out, and he falls over his couch. Then, he tells me not to blame myself, but to blame... something, and may have died... a little blurry from there. All this over a friendly game of table tennis. Crazy crazy dreams.
Captain Barkeep.

Aug 20 2003 11:46pm

 - Student

Zero - If the mental clock thing is true, how come people sleep in? :P

Aug 20 2003 06:23pm

Battlin' Billy
 - Student
 Battlin' Billy

I had a weird dream last night:

I dreamt I was working at the local 7-11(a convenience store chain for those that don't know). And my ex-GF was working there too(I absolutely hate her guts, long story). We never said anything to each other and we tried to avoid each other as much as possible, but whenever we looked at each other, we flashed each other dirty looks. The dream ended when all the windows in the place just shattered and the boss said, "OK, get your stuff and we're all going home!"
Then I woke up.

I don't understand at all, except the dirty looks part.

Midbie Council Member #2 - Profile ID 2073 | Member of B@rtM@ulS@ar | Owner of Monty's 2000th comment & D@RtHM@UL's 8100th comment |
Former Padawan of SilkMonkey & Arcuss
JA Goaltender & NHL Fan | Fellow Rush fan to Axion|Plo Koon is my oldest JA friend
Post your RL pics HERE! | Post you JK2/JK3 screenies HERE!

Aug 20 2003 02:06pm

Fizz of Belouve
 - Student
 Fizz of Belouve

I had probably the weirdest and funkiest dreams ever the very last weekend - I might gonna post parts of them here later :)

dreams rock - especially the peculiar moment when u wake up and do not know wheter you ARE awake :)
One of the Belouve boys, founder of the mighty FiZZsters
Midbie council #20 - Fizz - #1933 - Jan '03 - Aug '04

"Renfield, you idiot!"

Aug 20 2003 01:23pm

Zero Akaine
 - Student
 Zero Akaine

being abely to wake from sleep is nuthing speshal. every one can do it.( and i do mean waking up at a sertin time). every one has a mental time clock which there bodys function by.thinking you want to wake up at say 7:00 am right befor you go to sleep sets your mental alarm clock. then when your body feels like its 7 it wakes you up. no some times this wont work if your relly tired or if you have not had enuff sleep but it dose work.
Padawan of Ryo Akaine
Master to Aphex,Skyler,Doppelganger, and GremReaper.

Aug 19 2003 03:59pm

 - Student

This happened last night. I knew we had an electrician coming over at 7 am, so I thought about that last night. Low and behold, I went to sleep, had a few dreams (if you care about my dreams my emails in my profile) and woke up at about 7:02, a few minutes before he arrived.
Brady Brothers: Orion-Greg, Furi0us-Peter, Me-Bobby. Long lost cousin to Flash. Midbie Council #007. Ex-JAK.

Aug 19 2003 03:02am

 - Student

I find when I sleep, If i think about the time I want to wake up, or I have to wake up, I usually wake up at that time or a few (5-10) minutes before or after this. Really weird when I set my alarm, and then I am awake to hear it go off. This happened recently (within the last month and a half) When I was going to wake up at 5:30 am to get to Chicka's field trip class. I woke up at about 5:25, thought about it, said "hell no I need to sleep more", and went back to bed.
Brady Brothers: Orion-Greg, Furi0us-Peter, Me-Bobby. Long lost cousin to Flash. Midbie Council #007. Ex-JAK.

Aug 04 2003 09:57pm

 - Ex-Student

my dreams are...i dunno
i feel like i have no freedom
its like im stuck in the same place all the time
some things try to push me forward and some things push me back!
its like this goddamn place i cant seem to leave!
and i cant control the movements

Moe? Moe moe moe.

Aug 04 2003 02:31pm

Marcel Mandarijn
 - Student
 Marcel Mandarijn

I dreamed this night about...damn forgot it :p

Aug 04 2003 10:02am

Aeth S'kray
 - Retired
 Aeth S'kray

uh oh... I'd watch out ;)
Aeth S'kray *June 2002 +September 2003

Aug 04 2003 09:55am

Rei D'Kana
 - Ex-Student

It means you are in love :)

I dreamed too, really weird. I was lying in a hospital (so thats nothing new to me) but suddenly some of my friends came in and all talked as if I was dead. thats all I remember and I woke up. Really Really weird.

Aug 04 2003 09:53am

Aeth S'kray
 - Retired
 Aeth S'kray

Hey I have something for, oh dream-master :D I dreamed of a girl I know and she walked by and winked at me. now what does that mean?

I got an email by her today. Isnt that scary?
Aeth S'kray *June 2002 +September 2003

Aug 04 2003 04:03am

Zero Akaine
 - Student
 Zero Akaine

In my dream "The Dream maker will show you the past. The Dream maker with show you the present. The dream maker will not show you whats you come unless you must know. The Dream maker is the one that is not known but known. He is the beging and the end. But only one can be him. The Past Present and whats to come will all covrge and all will be showen but it will be the end. The End is the Beginig and nuthing is somthing. There is no past. There is no Present. There is no Path that leads to whats to come. there is only here and now and only one may see what's happened. Only one may see what's happenenig. And only one will see what going to happen. The disition is yours. Time to chouse. This is only the begining and thre is no end time will stop and await your chouse. Time to chouse."

I know none of you that read this will understand it....But.... in time you will understand what it means. some of you may alredy know... and if you do please dont say. this is somthing every one must figurout for them sealfs.

"Time is the key. Use it when you must. Dont wast it for you only have one. You will know when. But only then will the Key Apear."-Zero

Please dont use this qoute in any way... Thank you.

Padawan of Ryo Akaine
Master to Aphex,Skyler,Doppelganger, and GremReaper.

This comment was edited by Zero Akaine on Aug 04 2003 04:05am.

Jul 31 2003 06:34pm

Zero Akaine
 - Student
 Zero Akaine

i am willing to do any and all for every oen :) as long as they are willing to tell me the detales. :)
Padawan of Ryo Akaine
Master to Aphex,Skyler,Doppelganger, and GremReaper.

Jul 31 2003 03:58pm

 - Student

I'll take you up on that one, Zero. I warn you though, it's a long dream. I wrote it down as soon as I woke up and it was like.. two pages long.
Additionally.. you tried interpreting the one I have where people spontaneously melt? =/

Jul 31 2003 03:28pm

Zero Akaine
 - Student
 Zero Akaine

well ok frist.
Aeth and fate: you cant say the robot in his dream was not a robot. becuse it is. his dream is about his past and futcher. the robot represents the hard times in his life and him beating it shows that he will get over it the faced that its a women means he has had bad brakeups in the past. when he askes the robot "What do you see now?!"
and it replys "An angel." the angel represnets peace and no matter how hard his life gets he will always find peace. just look at the aleus he uses :)

Biohazrd: i cant relly tell you what your dream is about with out knowing how it starts. every detale in a dream is key in knowing what it means. if you which to give me more detales privetly email me at

*edit*Darth Jell-o: your dream means you have always had 2 paths to take in your life and indted of taking the one most traveled you like taking that hard one. it shows that you have strong charector. it also says your having a hard time in your life with your parents and your trying to get it (the way it was) back:)hopes this helps alittle :)
Padawan of Ryo Akaine
Master to Aphex,Skyler,Doppelganger, and GremReaper.

This comment was edited by Zero Akaine on Jul 31 2003 03:31pm.

Jul 31 2003 02:28am

 - Student

Your mother! Hahaha... oh man.. that was perfect.

Jul 31 2003 02:12am

 - Student

Crack kills.

Whenever I was little, I had a dream that It was winter, and I was going to school on top of a hill. Well, school got out, and I could either take the path with spikes below it and go to my Mom's van to pick me up, or slide down the hill of death. Everytime, I picked the hill of death, and I'd slide down, and then wake up, never figured out what was at the bottom
Brady Brothers: Orion-Greg, Furi0us-Peter, Me-Bobby. Long lost cousin to Flash. Midbie Council #007. Ex-JAK.

Jul 30 2003 11:49pm

 - Student

I'm not going to recap the entire dream I had here, but there was this strange dream where I ended up in some old house and there was this really tall, skinny alien-type boy guy and he handed me a key and pointed to the ground and it had a keyhole in it and he said something like "thank you for freeing the <insert alien-sounding name here>" and it was really quite strange.

Jul 30 2003 10:05pm

Aeth S'kray
 - Retired
 Aeth S'kray

oOoOo I like that one Fate :D

Well actually a robot isnt religious. Means she couldnt see an angel if she were a robot. So she was no robot. But you've punched her in the face. A girl!
That dream wants to tell ya to not punch girls in the face without you having a proof of them beeing a robot. Very deep, isnt it? :D Maybe you have a small sister?
Aeth S'kray *June 2002 +September 2003

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