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Raven soft Q&A
Apr 16 2003 10:34pm

 - Student
Howdy boys and girls,
I posted on an earlier thread my intentions of securing an interview with the developers of JK:Jedi Academy. I'm happy to report that my efforts may have finaly paid off. With the help of Kenn Hoekstra over at RavenSoft (Kenn is awesome),
I managed to track down Ronda Scott, Lucas arts Internet Community Relations Specialist.

Here's what Ronda had to say:
Hi Edward -

I'm fairly certain that there will not be a public beta testing for Jedi Academy.
However, we'll be putting together a Fan Site Kit shortly after E3 (mid-May) that
will cover basic FAQs and have a series of screen shots for sites to use. We'll
be setting up Q&As with the team at Raven after E3 as well.

We'd be happy to work with you on coverage and a Q&A. Thanks!


Never let anyone tell you it doesn't pay to be persistent. :)

So with that said I have a question for all of you. If you could ask one question of the developers from Ravensoft about JK:JA what would it be?

Please post your responses here. I'll talk with DJ about picking some of the best and most frequently asked questions for the Q&A.

Your friendly neighborhood EX-Knight,


This post was edited by Arcuss on Jun 12 2003 08:32pm.

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Apr 19 2003 12:06am

(SKX) Dark Blade
 - Student
 (SKX) Dark Blade

"Will dual-phase sabers be included in the game ?(2 lengths of the blade)"
What is the difference between love and Herpes? Herpes lasts forever.
(CDC joke)
Padawans: Trad Redav, Darth Jello, Tallepyon, Shang Chi, Dopp, Karlin Duke, AuroN, Koushka, Damon, and Katan
Brother to Xanatos

Apr 18 2003 08:30pm

 - Ex-Student

Arcuss = awesome

This question was alluded to earlier, but I wanted to know:

"Will it be possible to completely holster one's weapon, and therefore have 2 hands available to carry out independent force powers?"

I'm ready to grip a guy in each hand and bash them together... muhahahahahahahahaa.
"Don't take life so seriously. Nobody gets out alive, anyway!"

* Winner of the coveted Best New Paddy of Yun Award

Apr 18 2003 10:40am

 - Ex-Student

My question:

How many special tricks are in the game?


Apr 18 2003 05:49am

 - Student

Will there be a trandoshan as a selectable character in the game,and if so would you guys mind naming him arcuss?

Are you guys hiring? I can do a mean lightsaber impersonation.

Apr 18 2003 04:07am

Lian Del Rey
 - Student
 Lian Del Rey

Will lightsaber fighting be as sophisticated in multiplayer as in singleplayer? (probably not)

Apr 17 2003 06:24pm

 - Student

will all force powers be stricktly light or dark or will they only fit into the two catagories depending on how you use them.
[u know the way grip was used by luke yet he was light side]
The real question is not whether machines think but whether men do.
Bertrand Russell

Apr 17 2003 05:53pm

 - Ex-Student

My question:

How does the new kicking system work around the different saber styles?
The Notorious Conversation Killer

Apr 17 2003 01:51pm

 - Student

Yeah i have a question now lol :)

I heard that you meet famous people from the films: who will it be, I guess Luke Skywalker but are there any other people and who will it be?

Apr 17 2003 01:49pm

 - Student

Man u RULEEEEEE !! arcy
Dont have any question at the moment though :)

Apr 17 2003 10:35am

Aeth S'kray
 - Retired
 Aeth S'kray

arcuss ---> da man :)

"Will it be possible to put your saber out of hands, means wearing no weapon at all?"

"Will Motion Capturing used for animations?"

"How will the new saber system work?"

"How do you plan to support the community?"

"How much do you pay for our name?" j/k
Aeth S'kray *June 2002 +September 2003

Apr 17 2003 09:32am

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

Arcuss, you rock! Give the man a place in the council! ;)

I think we must focus on the questions that is not gonna be asked by other people, like Ulic said.

Unfotunatly I can't think of a question right now, just wanted to back Ulic up.

Apr 17 2003 05:26am

Ulic Belouve
 - Student
 Ulic Belouve


I'm trying to think up something. The thing is, some of the questions may be asked by other people, and hence, we don't need to waste a question that someone else will ask for us.

I'll think up something, but right now I am thinking of some question that might benefit the Academy, like:

"How will special moves be executed? Will they be programmed in (like set Special 1 (T Key) to do and RDFA, Special 2 to a Backstab, etc), or does one need to follow a set of button combinations (like the current system, foward+jump+attack=YDFA)?"

I think knowing some insight to THIS will help us out a lot, in terms of structuring our training. If it is a matter where there are 15 special moves, but you can only assign 5 at one time, and merely press a button for them, then we must focus on what the benefits/weaknesses of each special is. If you can do ALL moves, provided you know the combos, then we will teach like we do now, with showing HOW to do the moves, and likewise the strengths/weaknesses, and counters.

So I think that the technical ones will be asked by others. This one should be asked because it would definately prepare the Academy as a whole to direct its prospective training, so we know sorta what to look to.
Jedi do not fight for peace. That's only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace.

Apr 17 2003 04:59am

 - Student

Arcuss you're a legend! :)

Here's my question:
When JK2:JediOutcast came out, different patches were made for us gamers to have a better gaming experience, like the 1.03 or 1.04 patch. Most gamers around think that the 1.04 patch has helped the most. Will the gameplay of JK3 be based around what the 1.04 patch has corrected and used, or will there be a newer and better system? Also when the 1.04 patch was installed, MP was changed to 1.04 while the SP was changed to 1.03. In JK3 will the SP and Multiplayer have the SAME type of gameplay?

Brother to Luke Skywalker and (SKX) Dark Blade :alliance:
Lag Brother to Acey Spadey :empire:
Jools is my best friend. :D
<Henkes> nebody feeling like abusing me with a lightsaber?|+Smilykrazy grabs Gradius, beats the living CRAP out of him, then throws him into a huge vat of ACID

Apr 17 2003 03:02am

 - Distributor of Cold Ones

Be honest, the plot centers around Silk right?

Will you guys release the source code at some point; both for SP and MP?

|-HK-47 -SilkMonkey: You are receiving a warning for being_too_sexy. If you do not stop, action will be taken against you.|| (11:13:43) � Virtue dances for Silk ||Smiling owner of Smilykrazy's 6000th comment =) ||Odan Wei's Proud Big Brother|| Janus is my official TaruTaru Cuddly Animal Type Person. ||(@Virtue) Or you could just be a man and set fire to your won't fall asleep for days after me.||Thomas Skywalker er for sexy for sitt eget beste!!!!| Not changing sig until the JA loosens up. (Started: Aug 31, 2005)

Apr 17 2003 02:30am

 - Student

wooooow,..arcuss,..ur tha man!,..:P,.. question would be,...' it is posible, with this new version of JK, to be able to play(specially duels) on World Championships events, such like Quake3 or Starcraft does...?
,....donno if u get the idea...
'...its better to light a candle, than cursing the dark,...' -> 0_<

Apr 17 2003 02:12am

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

w00t heres my question :"in JK3 will you be able to connect two lightsabers into a double saber?"

Free Tibet!
Click this link,and learn
Here too

Apr 17 2003 12:42am

 - Student

[joke question] is this game going to be UCLA? [joke question]

a question about sabering. Many places have said that you can choose to have either the original one saber, two single sabers, or a double bladed saber (like Exar Kun or Maul). I am assuming that each one has its advantages and disadvantages, (because everyone would find out which is strongest and only use that one...). My question is this. Would you be able to mix and match? IE, if you have two single bladed sabers, could you choose only to use one? And the same with the double bladed saber, could you, in effect, create it so that it is two single bladed sabers that come together somehow? Or use one side (as Maul does against Qui-Gon-Jin in their first fight), or, If it gets cut in half, using both blades as double single bladed sabers?
When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are.
- Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson

Apr 16 2003 11:53pm

 - Academy Pimp

How will the saber styles work, will they be balanced, if so how, if not which will be stronger
Come on now, every Generation X boy wanted to be Luke Skywalker. Is it because he was a whiney farm boy from some backwater hack planet? No, it's because he was a FREAKING JEDI. He could block lasers with his lightsaber. He could levitate droids & rocks & crap with his mind. Come on, he choked two pig dudes with just a simple gesture. He cut off Darth Vader's hand and kicked him down a flight of stairs. He got his @$$ zapped by lightning from the geezer Emperor, stood up and said "s'at all you got b!tc#??"

Apr 16 2003 11:48pm

 - Student

Well Arucss, I don't know what to say except thank you for your efforts. Here is my question.

"By picking out certain missions your character goes on and completes. Does the specific mission you take and complete affect what will happen in the future of the game?"

If anyone can reword that better go ahead. I was always horrible at english. :D
Katan's Music Bruver :D

History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it. - Winston Churchill

Apr 16 2003 11:42pm

cHoSeN oNe
 - Retired
 cHoSeN oNe

Will the source code be released pre-release or soon after so mod developers can have their mods ready for the public?
Get busy living, or get busy dying.

Apr 16 2003 11:41pm

 - Ex-Student

the q3 engine was amazing, they must've been smokin somethin if they thought it was limited
RIP Vlad

Apr 16 2003 11:33pm

 - Student

I have two questions about single-player: "Will our character model affect the game? Like, will some guys you meet in a level be more friendly to you if you have a female model?"

And: "Is this a game where we can choose what to say if we talk to people? If so, will some people like you more if you have a friendly personality?"

Apr 16 2003 11:33pm

Jake Kainite
 - Student
 Jake Kainite

nice one arc :D

my questions are:

"many people have said that using the q3 engine again was a mistake as it is too limited. How drastically have you modified the engine to make it competitive with other new FPS games that have brand new engine designed for them?"

"You probably won't be able to answer this but its worth a try :) What new force powers and weapons have been added ? If you can't go into detail, are there any weapons of force pwoers from previous JK knight series games ?"

"What is the storyline for the game ? Have you come up with an original idea to break away from the "bad guy tries to rule galaxy" plot?"

Theres probably lots more important stuff to ask but thats all I can think of now.

Apprenctice of Jedi Master Ascari (deceased)
Descended from a line of great Jedi
Will argue any point of view from any side :D

Apr 16 2003 11:27pm

Luke Skywalker
 - Student
 Luke Skywalker

Arcuss, you're a GOD.

Anyway, heres my question:

"Will players be capable of choosing main character models from Single Player in Multiplayer?"
:alliance:Luke Skywalker:alliance:

This comment was edited by Luke Skywalker on Apr 16 2003 11:29pm.

Apr 16 2003 11:17pm

DJ Sith
 - Jedi Council
 DJ Sith

Arcuss I LOVE YOU.

Ok folks we'll pick the best 10 or so questions we see posted here. These questions can range from serious to technical to humorous to whatever. All we ask is you keep it respectful. Inciteful and interesting questions are welcome though :)

Here's mine:

"Admit it. You heard of the Jedi Academy here and just HAD to make a game about us. :)"

"I'm intrigued about the roleplay aspect in character creation in the single player game. Will the single player characters we create carry on to the multiplayer part of the game?"
My car is made of Nerf.

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