The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Final words from FaDed -Sared - May 23 11:48pm
Sared: So FaDed, how did you first come to the Academy?

FaDed: I joined the academy in February 2003 after a clanmate, Carve (a.k.a, T. Siduro) suggested I go there for training.

Sared: What was your initial reaction?

FaDed: I was stunned by the genuine kindness of the people on the servers. They took the time to answer my questions, show me around, and help me get comfortable.

Sared: Was there anyone inparticular you remember from when you first came here?

FaDed: The first person I met on the servers was ioshee. I also remember meeting my master, NofrikinfuN, and Huxley.

Sared: How did you go about becoming a Knight, then Trainer, then lead Pig?

FaDed: My experience becoming a knight is difficult to tell. I was never very much liked by my superiors, but after a few attempts at the exam and trials, I was given the rank of JAK. after a few months, I was asked by the council to be a trainer for the academy. long before I was ever asked to be a trainer though, Jacen Solo dubbed me the Lead Pig for the academy.

Sared: Who will be someone that you will remember fondly from the JA, and who is someone you can't wait to forget? :D

FaDed: I will always remember my friends that helped me start the Jedi Academy Society of Excellence, Darth Mobility and Jedi Prodigy. These guys became my greatest friends and eventually my padawan learners. I don't know if there is someone that I'd like to forget, most of the people at the academy were wonderful. I just hope no one wants to soon forget me!

Sared: Are there any moments that you would like to share with us about your time here?

FaDed: My favorite times spent at the academy were those where my friends and I would just play and laugh for hours or the many hours spent on IRC just talking about whatever. The Academy is a wonderful place to meet people and share experiences with them.

Sared: So, what can you tell us about Tonga Nuku'alofa?

FaDed: Nuku'alofa is the capitol of The Kingdom of Tonga. it is about 20,000 people located on the main island of Tongatapu. Tonga itself is a tropical island country of 171 islands located south of Somoa in the South Pacific. for more information on Tonga, check out this web page.

Sared: What words of wisdom would you give on to a new person reading this?

FaDed: Never give up on your goals. If you want something bad enough and are willing to work for it, a way will always present itself for you to get it. One person can make a difference.

Sared: Any final shoutouts/goodbyes you would like to leave here?

FaDed: I would just like to thank the academy for providing a place of discovery, learning, and community.

Sared: Ohh, wait, this just in! One final question for you sir! An important issue has been brought up about your retirement, m00, or derp?

FaDed: Well, it's a tough call, but when so much hangs in the balance I would have to go with derp. The problem with m00 is that is defined as the sound a cow makes, only written in 1337. derp on the other hand knows no bounds. It can mean whatever you want it to mean. It is a great conversation opener, greeting, insult, and awkward silence breaker. derp will continue on forever while m00 will end when all the cows die.

Sared: With that said, it was an honor to have you with us Colin

FaDed: Thanks :D

Sared: May your lights be green and your potholes be few in this gret road trip of life.

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Jun 10 2004 03:51am

 - Student

Go and do what is commanded of you. The reward in the end is great, and so is the reward you've already been given dude.

Jun 06 2004 12:13pm

 - Student

Very nice interview man, GL FaDed :)

May 31 2004 12:56am

 - Student

:( m000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....

May 29 2004 12:58pm

 - Hubbub

Man.. the cows didn't invent the m00. Cows are simply huge worshippers of the m00. When the cows die, the m00 will go on. The m00 cannot be stopped. sure derp is all very nice, but when it comes to powah, the m00 kicks derp's arse any day of the week and twice on sundays.

m000000000oooooo FOREVER!! :D
make install -not war

May 26 2004 11:46pm

VaXxla Belouve
 - Student
 VaXxla Belouve

Sorry to see you go, always, Rl takes everyone in the end :)

Nice to have known you, hopefully you'll pop by once in a while. Do they have 'net access in the Tonga? :D
<-Padawan to FiZZe-> Bro to Roan, Squibit, Bail and Seth Cloudrider. -=Co-founder of The Galaxial School of Interpretive Ballet=- NOW SHOWING AT MUNES BAR!! music not supplied or required! =- Bow down to the great nipple -=

May 25 2004 12:47pm

 - Retired

Im all for the Derp.....:D
::Nothing wrong with a little long as the right people get shot::

May 24 2004 06:35pm

 - Distributor of Cold Ones

farg yeah man...derp > m00

|-HK-47 -SilkMonkey: You are receiving a warning for being_too_sexy. If you do not stop, action will be taken against you.|| (11:13:43) � Virtue dances for Silk ||Smiling owner of Smilykrazy's 6000th comment =) ||Odan Wei's Proud Big Brother|| Janus is my official TaruTaru Cuddly Animal Type Person. ||(@Virtue) Or you could just be a man and set fire to your won't fall asleep for days after me.||Thomas Skywalker er for sexy for sitt eget beste!!!!| Not changing sig until the JA loosens up. (Started: Aug 31, 2005)

May 24 2004 10:23am

 - Student

mo0o0o to that:D

May 24 2004 03:37am

 - Student

Nice one...

Never really got to meet FaDed, but did enrole in some of his classes (unfortunately during a time when he was having computer problems).

Much respect to you FaDed, and much respect to you Sared for the article

Take care FAded and hopefully see/hear from you when you're next in the neighbourhood with lots of stories to tell.

"Keep spreading it around....ahem! The good word that is....":D

"You don't know the power of the dark side....Buurrp!"

This comment was edited by Jade on May 24 2004 03:37am.

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